“Come in and let’s discuss how you got past the building’s security to show up at my front door.” Dominic gave Ronan a pointed look that softened infinitesimally when he swept his gaze over me.

Dominic strode ahead of us, and before I turned to follow, I shrugged out of Ronan’s grasp. “If you cause any more of a scene, you’re fired. There is a sleeping baby in there, so just chill the hell out and stop acting like an absolute ape.”

Ronan’s head dropped when I mentioned Baby G, obviously piecing together how utterly wrong and out of line he had been. I only hoped he took his shame to the grave with him, the asshole, because I wasn’t going to absolve him of it.

“I won’t make a scene,” he promised.

Claire and Dominic waited for us in the living room. Dominic had a protective arm around his wife, and Claire’s eyes were lit with curiosity. So far, Georgia was blissfully silent in her nursery, and hopefully would remain that way for a little while longer so her parents could have a break.

When Daisy spotted Ronan towering behind me, she perked up and toddled over on her tiny legs to nuzzle his calf. He bent down and scratched the top of her head before addressing the situation or anyone else in the room, and I agreed with his decision because Daisy was the queen.

Just when I was hating on him, he had to be sweet to my favorite dog.

Ronan rose to his full height, nodding at Dominic and Claire. “I apologize for showing up this way. When I noticed Iris wasn’t anywhere near her home, I became concerned. I pinpointed her to this building, and knowing she has a relationship with the two of you led me to knock on the door. I never intended to cause a scene or make you uncomfortable. I only wanted to ensure my client’s safety.”

Dominic crossed his tattooed arms, his expression unyielding. “How did you get inside our building?”

Ronan almost smiled. “I guess I should introduce myself since we’re neighbors. I’m Ronan Walsh. I live three floors down from you. They can’t keep me out of the building since I live here too. Have for the last five years.”

Dominic started to relax, and Claire seemed to be taking delight in the chest puffing between the two men. I found it tedious and annoying, but the base, instinctual part of me that wanted a good mate was practically in heat, and my panties were soaked with unwanted desire.

Dom tugged on his beard and nodded. “You look familiar.”

Ronan inclined his head. “We’ve shared an elevator a time or two.”

Claire let out a short laugh. “I think we’ll have no trouble remembering you the next time we see you.”

Ronan managed to smile at her. “I truly am sorry. I’m not used to my clients evading me. It’s a learning curve.”

I really wanted to yell at him now that some of my anger-induced lust was beginning to fade, but this wasn’t the place.

“You know, I think I’m going to head out and let you guys have some time to relax before Baby G wakes up.” I grabbed Ronan’s cuff. “I’ll take this one with me.”

They protested, but not with much force. I wasn’t offended. I knew what it was like to return from tour and want to roll around every surface because I washomeand needed to absorb the smell and feel on every inch of my skin.

Or maybe they were just going to take a nap.

Either way, I gave them both hugs and promised to stop by soon.

In the elevator, Ronan hit the G for ground floor, and I hit twelve.

“What are you doing?” he groused.

“You’re three floors down, right? I’m going to your apartment.”

The doors slid open on the twelfth floor, but Ronan’s arm shot out, barring my exit. He wasn’t as smart as he seemed to think because I ducked right under and made a run for it. He was on me in a second, snatching me off the ground and holding me dangling with my back against his chest and his mouth beside my ear.

“You’re not going to my apartment. You’re going home.”

“Really?” I turned my head so our faces were inches apart. “I think that’s exactly what I’m going to do. You don’t respect my boundaries, so I’m trampling yours.”

Not even his unyielding marble arms would stop me.