His carefully wielded confidence that he could handle me when I was out of control settled over me like a blanket fresh from the dryer, soothing my live wire nerves. But I knew I wouldn’t call him again. Things between us, at least on my end, were already twisted up enough. I wasn’t about to add more confusion to the mix.

“I’ve got it. But let’s discuss my boundaries with you.” I gave his hand on my shoulder a pointed look, and he immediately dropped it. “You sat in my bedroom for god knows how long this morning, watching me sleep. Do you expect me to believe that’s your normal bodyguard-client M.O.? Because if it is, I can see why some of your past clients might have gotten confused.”

He held my gaze and breathed a long exhale through his nose. “I wasn’t there long, but no, it isn’t a usual thing for me to do. I apologize.”

I threw my arms out and groaned to the ceiling. “Can you just relax around me? Just relax! I never want to go anywhere anymore because I hate seeing how goddamn tense you are. It’s exhausting. Aren’t you exhausted?”

“I’ll try.”

I had to laugh. What else could I do? This man was so beautifully frustrating. One day, he was going to blow and release every last emotion he’d kept pent up. I hoped I’d be around to see it, because I had a feeling Ronan unleashed was a spectacular sight.

“Cool.” I gave him a thumbs up, and he grimaced. Maybe if he tried answering me with just a little more effort, I’d tuck away the sarcasm. “Now that we’ve discussed the fool I made of myself and set firm boundaries, I’m just going to go crawl back to bed for a couple more hours.”

I started for my bedroom, then snapped my fingers and turned back. Ronan was already watching me, as though he’d been waiting for me to say something else.

“By the way, I thought you should know I figured out who called the press to Skinwalkers.”

He lowered his eyebrows into a stern line. “You should have told me that first thing.”

“I’m telling you now. I shared a calendar with Megan and Logan, and my appointment was on there.”

He rocked back on his heels, slowly nodding. “You assume one of them did it?”

“Logan. I’m certain it was him trying to assert himself into my life and inconvenience me.”

“Hmmm.” His thumb brushed back and forth beneath his bottom lip. “You’ve made the calendar private now?”

I curled my lip at his question, but I didn’t bite back. Not when I’d been the one to forget about the calendar in the first place.

“Yes, Ronan. And I accept your apology for accusing me of calling the press on myself. Now, my bed is calling my name. I’ll see you later.”

Brushing by him, I headed to my bedroom with Daisy nipping at my heels. The front door clicked shut before I reached my bed. I threw myself down and sighed with bliss.

The last few weeks had been shitty and lonely and sometimes sad. I’d wallowed in self-pity and locked myself away in Adam’s tower. Lying in my new bed, with fresh walls, all safe and sound and snuggled with my borrowed dog, I decided to look at this as a reset—a chance to make better choices and live my best fucking life.

If Ronan got in the way, I’d just have to plow through him.