Ronan didn’t react at all, but Finn’s eyes went wide for a beat before he schooled his features. “This was a…polyamorous situation?”

I had to laugh at that, even if it came out wobbly. “It was sex between me and a couple. I don’t know the exact definition of polyamory, but I’m pretty sure one has to be amorous for it to count. We all knew going in what it was and wasn’t going to be. It was never supposed to be long term, and I wasn’t there to become a permanent third. They both said they understood that, but Logan—” I shook my head, becoming annoyed all over again.

“You broke it off because Mr. Bryant had feelings for you?” When Ronan finally chose to speak again, his words came out like accusatory bullets.

I met his unyielding green gaze. “Does keeping me safe require you knowing why I ended the arrangement?”

He blinked once, taking his time doing it. “You tell me. Does it?”

Tapping my fingers on my legs, I inhaled deep and admitted to myself the falling out I had with Logan might be worth mentioning.

“Logan got it in his head that Megan and I were sneaking around behind his back. It wasn’t true, of course, but once I saw his jealousy rear its ugly head, I left.”

Fingers flew across tablets on both sides of me. I was curious whether their notes were my story verbatim or peppered with their opinions.

“Did you speak to Mr. Bryant once the…” Ronan cleared his throat again, “arrangement ended? Did he threaten you or lead you to believe he’d harm you?”

“He left messages on my voicemail that were far from kind, calling me everything but the kitchen sink. So, when I walked into my apartment and saw those same words graffitied on my walls, yes, I thought he had been the one who’d done it.”

Ronan clasped his hands on the table. At first, it seemed to be a relaxed pose, but then I noticed his fingertips pressed into the space between his knuckles, turning the surrounding skin white.

“Mr. Bryant was with his mother at the time of the break-in.” Ronan’s jaw worked back and forth, and I almost spoke, but then he went on. “Do you suspect Ms. Mills?”

“No. We’re still on good terms.”

“Are you in contact with her?” Finn asked.

“An occasional text, but I’m busy, and Megan is too, so that’s all it’s been since I ended things.”

Finn’s brow furrowed. “Megan Mills...the singer?”

I nodded. “Yeah, she’s kind of a big deal.” Understatement. Megan's star was rising at light speed. “I doubt she’d have the time to terrorize me, even if she wanted to, which she doesn’t.”

I should have known from the beginning it wouldn’t work out with Logan and Megan. But I’d been dick-drunk and cunt-blind, and the idea of having regular,really goodsex without strings had been too appealing to resist. They were both in the business, Megan a singer and Logan a producer, so the three of us understood the lifestyle and schedules. It had been pretty perfect...until it wasn’t. I ducked out without hesitation, but it wasn’t looking like I’d gotten off scot-free.

Ronan straightened his tablet on the table. “Is there anything else we should know?”

“Um…” I rubbed my temple, “before the break-in, I received texts from random numbers using the same words Logan called me, which led me to believe they were coming from him. Now, I’m not so sure.”

“All right.” Ronan’s nostrils flared as he slowly inhaled. “With a continuing, unknown threat, we’ll supply you with round-the-clock security. We will have a patrol regularly check on your property as well as drive by, and you will have your own personal bodyguard.”

I picked up my mug and started to bring it to my mouth to drink, but my hands were shaking so badly, I slammed it back on the table. “Do I get any say in this? Or is my entire life in your hands now?”

“Of course you get a say, Iris,” Finn said calmly. “Just know, it’s our job to assess a situation and decide the best course. I agree with Ronan’s assessment, if that makes you feel any better. We’ve worked with many well-known celebrities. Having a bodyguard or a team of them is common.”

I almost bucked at being called well known but stopped myself. Celebrity was like new skin that didn’t quite fit yet. My old skin was still attached in spots, impossible to fully shed.

“Then do I get to choose my bodyguard?”

Finn bowed his head. “We have a small team at LSS.”

Lizard Snot Samplers

“What does that mean?”

“It means I’ll be taking that responsibility, at least until the intruder has been identified.” Ronan said it so matter of fact, I would’ve thought he didn’t remember we’d both had every intention of fucking when we first met, if not for his tell: the sharp corner of his jaw twitching whenever we made eye contact, as if he had to grit his teeth to get through it.

I scrunched my nose. “I’m getting the vibe that you’re just as likely to save me from a bullet as you are to push me into the line of one.”