Finn was out like a light, falling into what I hoped would be a deep, healing sleep.

I walked down the hall to Iris’s room. Matt and Jay were posted outside, each giving me a nod when they saw me.

“Who’s still in there?” I asked.

“Only her sister and the quiet guy,” Matt answered. “The others left when her sister requested they give her time to rest.”

“Grand. You’re doing good work.” I clapped him on the shoulder and entered the room.

June and Callum were in the same spots at Iris’s bedside. June’s eyes raised to mine, and her lips curved. She patted Iris’s hand.

“Ronan’s here.”

Iris slowly turned her head, a grimace contorting her features. “How’s Finn?” she asked softly.

“He’s sleeping now.” I approached the side of her bed opposite Callum and June. “He asked me to say hi to you.”

She sputtered a soft laugh. “Of course he did.” Her hazy eyes searched my face. “Is he going to be all right?”

“Aye.” I had to hold on to the rail to stop myself from stroking her bruised face. “He’ll heal. I might have to tie him down to get him to rest and recover, but—”

Her mouth lifted in a hint of amusement. “You don’t have a problem doing that.”

“No.” I rubbed my jaw to stop myself from grabbing her and pulling her into my arms. “I don’t.”

June cleared her throat. “Iris asked her doctor if she can go home. He said she could as long as she has someone to stay with and sees her regular doctor tomorrow.”

“Really?” I frowned in disbelief at Iris, then June. “How can that be?”

Iris’s finger grazed my knuckles. “I look like complete shit, but my injuries aren’t that bad. Finn took the worst of it.” I turned my hand over, and she laid her fingers on my palm. “He’s really okay?”

“He really is,” I assured her.

“I offered to stay with Iris at her apartment, but I think she’d rather go home with you,” June said.

My heart rose to my throat. That wasn’t what I’d been expecting to hear. “Would you?”

“Can I?” She rubbed her perfect lips together. “I don’t know if I want to be in my apartment right now.” Goose bumps flooded her skin, and her breath hitched. She was afraid, and she had every right to be. What she didn’t know was I’d battle each and every one of those demons for her and alongside her. I wouldn’t let this new fear eat at her. We’d conquer it.

“You don’t have to ask. Of course you can.”

It took another hour to get Iris discharged and to check on Finn once more, then she was wheeled out a side exit where Bill was waiting. After June gave Iris a kiss on her forehead, Callum led her to his car to drive her home. Iris protested mildly when I lifted her into the car, but she didn’t really fight me. Once inside, I held her against me where she rested her head.

She was silent, and I didn’t know what to say. How to ask her to forgive me. Bill continuously checked on her in his mirror, tsking each time.

Once we were in my apartment, I could finally breathe. I carried her to my bedroom and laid her down on the bed, where she belonged.

“Are you tired?” I stood over her, my gut twisting at how fucking fragile and small she looked.

“Yes, I am. They wouldn’t let me sleep for long in the hospital. Too many people in and out the whole time. That’s why I wanted to leave.” Her fingers caught the fabric of my pants, tugging gently. “I can’t sleep if you’re going to stand there.”

“Oh. Right. I’ll go—”

“No.” She tugged harder. “Stay here. Just...can you lie next to me? Please?”

I knew she was asking because she was afraid, not because she’d forgiven me. I hadn’t apologized yet, so I couldn’t expect forgiveness. But if I could take her fear away, even if she didn’t want me when it was gone, I’d do that. I’d do anything for Iris.

Stripping down to my boxers, I climbed into bed beside her. It wasn’t even ten yet, and I had no intention of sleeping. I’d watch my injured pet while she let go.

“Come closer,” she murmured. “I’d roll on my side, but I seem to have a stab wound on my arm.”

“Jesus,” I gritted out, sliding my body as close to hers as I dared without jostling her. “Is this better?”

She picked up my hand and laid it on her hip. “There. Now, don’t move.”

“I won’t. You’re safe now.”

Her eyes were closed, but she smiled. “I know.”