“No, he was mine!” She spit her claim at me, and her eyes rolled around like marbles. Her jaw worked as she stared at me with a hateful sneer. “He’d still be mine if you hadn’t opened your whore legs.”

“Whoa.” I held up both hands. “That’s enough. If you have an issue with Ronan, you’re going to need to take that up with him.”

She jabbed a finger at my face. “My issue is with you, whore. You must have tricked him. Hehatedwhen I called the press on myself, but you did it twice and he stayed with you. Why?” Her big eyes watered. Her shoulders curled forward. I would have felt sorry for her if she wasn’t scaring me so much. “What do you have that I don’t?”

I hadn’t called the press, but her outlandish accusations were clicking into place.She’dbeen the one to do it. To drive Ronan away from me? This girl had lost it.

“I’m sorry, I really don’t know what to say. I’m going to go now.”

In the blink of an eye, something shiny flashed in her hand and slashed across my middle. Cold air and a sharp pain hit my stomach in an instant. I didn’t dare take my eyes off Olivia to examine the damage, but I felt blood trickling down to my waistband.

She came at me again, shrieking, her arm raised over her head. I darted to the side, but the sinks blocked me from dodging her completely. She plowed into my shoulder, knocking the back of my head into a mirror. Oh god, that hurt.

“Whore! Slut!” Her cries of rage echoed off the tile. “You stole him!”

“You’re crazy.” My vision spotted from my head wound, but the knife in her hand became clear and panic overrode the pain blossoming in my skull. “Finn!” I screamed. “Help me!”

Olivia’s other hand shot out and cracked across my cheek. “Shut up! Shut up, shut up, shut up. You just need to go away, then he’ll see he’s mine.”

“Finn!” I screamed again, staggering toward the door. Olivia pushed me into the sinks, catching my hip bone with another deep bite of pain.

The door swung open, and Finn stepped into the space. The distraction of his appearance was all Olivia needed. She sunk her knife into my bicep with a cry of pure fury.

“No!” Finn shouted, charging toward us. His hand connected with mine, and he pulled me toward him just as Olivia grabbed hold of the knife. The sickening slide as it left my muscles wasn’t something I’d ever forget if I lived another day.

Finn was trained in defensive tactics, but Olivia Grayson had crazy on her side, and she’d gotten a taste for blood. Her eyes locked on mine, and I might as well have been looking into a black hole. She wasn’t in there. Nobody was home.

She moved fast, knife extended, and I froze. My feet were lead. My brain couldn’t convince them to move. At the last moment, before the knife plunged into my gut, Finn tossed me aside and jumped in front of me.

Olivia’s aim was true, sinking deep into Finn’s stomach. He grunted, but didn’t allow himself to slow, grabbing her in a choke hold, which only wedged the knife in deeper as her back pressed against his front.

“Finn,” I moaned from the tile floor. “Don’t die, Finn.”

Olivia thrashed and shrieked, but he had her locked in his grip. My world blurred. Blackness closed in. The bathroom door crashed open, panicked voices filling the small space. My eyes weren’t working anymore, but my mind told me help was here. They’d save Finn and maybe me too.

Fighting the dark was too hard, so I gave in and let go.