Chapter Thirteen


In my hand,I held the most beautiful, intricate metal flower I’d ever seen. And it was mine. Slipping it over my head on a metal chain, I pressed it against my chest.

“Gracie.” I had to blink hard not to cry. I was not a crier. It just wasn’t me. But my girl, my boo, my tall drink of stunningly beautiful water of a friend, Grace Patel, had given me art. And not just any art, but art she’d created at the last minute when Bash had told her my request.

Grace wrapped me in her arms, giving me a hard squeeze. “If you’d given me more notice, I would have made you something better.”

“No, girlie. I can’t even. There’s nothing better.”

She pulled back and gave me a hard kiss on my cheek. “Happy birthday, Hells Belles.”

Sebastian took hold of his girl, nuzzling the side of her head. “Happy birthday, Hells.”

I touched my necklace with the tip of my finger, swallowing a big ball of emotion. “You’re the realest, you two.”

I liked Zadie. Lock was cool. And Theo...yeah, he was a little more than all right. But there was nothing like being surrounded by my people. The ones I grew up with and who shared my history. Being back at Javi’s with them was even better. Javi was a mysterious being who opened his legit lake house on the weekends for relaxed kickbacks. There was a pool, a big yard, sick patio, and an unending supply of alcohol and weed.

An arm slung around my shoulders, a blunt waving in my face. “You need this, boo.” Gabe squeezed me into his side, bringing the blunt to my lips. “This is my present to you. Pen got you a gift card for some fancy salon, and that’s cool, but this strain is top notch. You’re gonna thank me when your head is floating on your neck.”

Penelope, my angel friend, elbowed her boyfriend. “I haven’t given Hells her gift yet. You can’t just tell her what I got her!”

He grinned wide and let go of me to take her in his arms. “Can and did, Lucky-luck. Accept it.”

Pinching theJbetween my fingers, I took a long inhale. “I’ll smoke this in your honor.”

Poor Gabe couldn’t partake since he played college soccer, but he’d smoked enough weed in high school to make up for the time off now.

“Mine too.” Asher Beck, football star and golden god, had become absorbed in our group of miscreants when he hooked his little goth girl, Bex Lim. He’d come straight to Savage River after a day game just to celebrate little ol’ me.

Bex was sprawled on a lounge chair next to the pool, puffing away. “I thought that’s what I was doing.”

Gabe flung himself down beside her, practically knocking her off the chair. “No, you’re smoking for me. Everyone’s smoking for me.”

Asher hauled him off the chair, and Gabe went flying into Penelope, spinning her in a circle so they both didn’t end up in the grass. Penelope giggled, her blonde hair flowing in the wind while Gabe spun her silly.

Asher and Bex were curled up in one lounge chair, and I pulled one up beside them, watching the stars and enjoying my smoke. The party would get a little crazier later, but not much. That wasn’t why we went to Javi’s. We came for laughs and to kick back—exactly what I needed tonight. Theo wasn’t here. He had the address. Maybe he was coming, maybe not. I’d be disappointed if he didn’t show, but it wasn’t a huge deal. Not when I had all this.

Eventually, everyone pulled up chairs or loungers so we were in a circle. The athletes had drinks, the rest of us had drinks and smokes.

Grace kicked my chair. “How’s tricks?”

“Good, good.” I nodded. My head was definitely starting to float. “School, Shakespeare, boys. All the things.”

Bex sputtered. “That does sound like all the things.”

Gabe held up a hand. “Okay, no one wants to hear about you kissing a boy. That’s like seeing your sister boning and shit. Gross. You know what everyone wants to know.”

Bex muttered something about Gabe having boned his “sister,” but Asher smothered her with his mouth to keep her quiet. She didn’t object. Those two were gonna have so many sporty-goth babies, it was ridiculous.

“What does everyone want to know?” I asked.

Grace kicked my seat again. “Elena.”

I groaned. “The only reason I haven’t punched her is because she has Pen’s face. Chick is a terror.” I looked at Penelope Shade, tall, ultra curvy and deliciously plump, blonde and angelic Pen, and puffed a breath. “How do you share a gene pool with that hell beast?”

Pen’s full mouth spread wide. “She has all good things to say about you. I heard about your near-death experience last weekend.” Her brows popped.