“I missed you,” I breathed. “Don’t fuck up again.”

He smiled into the next kiss and pulled his hips back to fuck me a little harder. My body rocked with the force of his thrusts, so I clung to him tighter, taking the ride Theo wanted to give me. Because I knew he’d make it good and right. He’d give me exactly what I needed.

“I never stopped thinking about you. Not just your sweet pussy. All of you.” He slid his hand under my head to fist my hair and tip it back. “I am so gone for you, Helen.”

My heart didn’t thrash. It calmed and soothed, and I melted, every ounce of fight leaving me until I was nothing more than Theo’s. He must have felt it, because he groaned into my mouth, and his pace picked up, hinting at a desperation to soak up what I was giving him.

Me. I was giving him me.

We were coiled around each other like snakes, squeezing, sliding, getting closer, closer, both moaning, breathing faster. Theo drove into me with more purpose, and he reached between us to circle my clit.

If he hadn’t been crushing me into the mattress, I would have arched with pleasure. But he owned my body and its movements. All I could do was take the mounting pressure in my belly until it became too big to contain, then I dragged my nails along Theo’s shoulders and cried out his name.

He shoved his face into my throat and drove straight through my quivering pussy. Catching my hands in his, he wove our fingers together and raised them above our heads. Tears welled in my eyes from the sweetness of it all.

“Nothing like you, baby. Nothing better. Never, ever,” he declared against my skin. “Need you, need you, need you. Always, Helen. Always needing you.”

I nodded, barely able to move my head. “I love you, Theo.” It was out before I knew it was coming, but I didn’t have a second to regret it. Theo roared my name. His head jerked back to stare down at me in wonder, then he was pulsing inside me, filling me with hot, liquid pleasure that seemed to be endless.

As soon as he was done, he rolled us, taking me on top of his chest. His hands wove through the sides of my wet hair, tilting my head from side to side like he was inspecting me. Then he pressed a kiss to my forehead, my eyelids, my nose, and finally, my lips.

“I love you too, Helen.”

My eyelids fluttered, threatening to take me away from this bare moment, but I didn’t let them close. I stared back at Theo, into his twinkly eyes that were somehow brighter than ever.

“I didn’t mean to say that.”

His lips tipped. “But you meant it.”

I couldn’t help the smile I gave him back. “I meant it.” I knocked my forehead against his chin. “Just…you know, be careful with me. If you decide to dump me again, can you let me down a little easier?”

Theo gripped my chin. “Helen, I just told you I love you and you’re talking about me dumping you? Jesus, baby.”

My shoulder shrugged slightly. “I’m kind of damaged, Theodore.”

His exhale was ragged. “I am too. And I fucked up with you but know this: I havenevershared with anyone what I shared with you today. Even Andrew doesn’t know most of it. When I say I love you, it’s not like anything I’ve experienced. I wish there were different words to describe what I feel for you. It’s something so deep, it pierces my bones.”

He didn’t say her name, but I knew he was telling me this was a whole new ballgame to what he felt for Abby. Because he was Theo, he recognized that I needed that reassurance and he gave it to me. He gave me more than I could have asked for.

“Okay,” I whispered. “I believe you.”

He swatted my butt lightly. “If you try to dump me, you’re going to have to fake your own death or change identities. I’m not going to let you go otherwise. We tried that, and it was no good. It did not work for me.”

I snorted a laugh and patted his cheek. “It really didn’t work for me, and faking my own death sounds like a lot of work, dude. I’m not down for that.”

He was grinning again, running his hands up and down my spine. “You’re dude-ing me again?”

“Yeah.” I pressed on his bottom lip with my index finger. “I told you I love you, so I think you can handle an occasional dude. You’re not going to get the skater out of me just because you’re my man.”

With a growl, he rolled us again, then he sat back on his knees and flipped me to my front. His hand slid under my belly, raising my hips off the bed, ass in the air. His other hand came down on my butt cheek with a loud smack.

“You’re going to get it.” He smacked me again. “You’re a bad girl, Tiger.”

I grinned at him over my shoulder. “I thought I was your good girl.”

His eyes met mine, and the slow, sensual grin he gave me set me aflame all over again. “You’re so good, you’re bad, baby. Now, it’s time we go over what it means for me to be your man.”

“Dude,” I whispered, giving him hell.