Chapter Twenty-eight


Theo Whitlock was hot.That was a fact. No one could have told me otherwise.

Theo Whitlock doing manual labor? That was on another level. It was even more attractive than his swollen knuckles, and holy Christ, had they done things to me.

Add in coveralls tied at his waist, an oil-stained white undershirt, steel-toed boots, and I almost forgot why I was angry. I nearly threw out my reasons for staying away, keeping my distance, shutting him out behind a thick wall—especially when he came out from under the hood of the truck he’d been working on, wiped the sweat from his forehead with his forearm, and twirled a wrench around in his hand like a seasoned pro.

I was a blue-collar baby to my bones, and no amount of fancy education was going to change that. Theo, the mechanic, could get it. Not from me—I was mad at him for going against my wishes—but from someone.

Of course, I’d cut a bitch before that happened.

Savage U’s garage wasn’t exactly bustling. Theo was the only one on the floor. When I started toward him, he noticed me right away. He tossed his wrench into a toolbox and wiped his hands on the rag hanging from his hip, keeping his gaze on me.

“You’re beautiful when you look like you want to murder me, Tiger,” he greeted.

I stopped in front of him, hands on my cocked hips. “You paid my loan.”

He instantly sobered, moving into my space. “Did someone come see you? I made it clear they had to leave you alone now.Fuck.”

“No, dude—”

“Not your dude. I’m not letting you put me back in that spot. Theodore.”

“Theo.” My eyes narrowed on him. “No one visited me. I went to Amir. Did you actually think I wouldn’t find out?”

“No, I knew you would.” He kept wiping his hand on the rag. “I was going to tell you. I was hoping to buy some time before I pissed you off again.”

“I think you were hoping to buy me.” I stepped into him, tipping my chin up. “Is that what you were hoping to do?”

He shook his head slowly. “If you actually think that, you haven’t been paying attention. I don’t think you really believe those are my intentions. Not after everything. Though, I get it’s easier if I’m the bad guy.”

“Why is that easier?”

“Because, baby,” he picked up a lock of my hair with his stained fingers, and I almost shuddered, “if I’m not the bad guy, then you have to make a decision about me. Are you going to let me back in so I can prove I’m worthy? Or are you walking away for good?”

I knew without a second thought I didn’t want to walk away. Not after he’d set the world aflame for me. Not when his presence was the only thing that made me feel truly safe. Not when he looked so fucking good with his head under a hood.

“I threatened to ruin Amir if he came for you.”

Something like a growl emerged from Theo’s throat. “Helen, wha—”

I pressed my hand to his chest. “How did you have that kind of money? Is that pocket change for you or did you have to ask your dad?”

It took him a second to answer. It was probably the swift change of topic, but I had a million questions and thoughts, and they were tumbling out.

“I sold my car.”


He nodded. “That’s what I was working on Sunday and Monday. I had to get Miranda to agree to it since her name was on the title.”

My teeth dug into my bottom lip. “Did you tell her about me?” I hated the thought of her knowing the trouble I’d gotten myself into. Even if it wasn’t really my fault, I didn’t want her to know.

“No, baby. I told her I had a friend in need. She offered to give me the money outright, but that didn’t feel right, and I knew you wouldn’t like it when it came out. Miranda tried to give me all the cash she got from selling the BMW, but I only let her give me enough to pay your loan. Then she bought me a Toyota because she’s Miranda and she couldn’t allow me not to have a car.”

“A Toyota? How normal.” I scrunched my nose, which made him release a low laugh.