“What time is it?” I asked.

“I don’t know. My phone’s behind me on the nightstand.” Her nail traced the outline of the muscles on my chest. “Before I woke you, it was four.”

I threw my hand up. “No. Four? Jesus, why?”

She smacked me. “You’re complaining that I woke you up?”

My eyes opened, and I dipped my chin to look at her. “Nope. I’d give up sleep forever for another shot at sinking inside you. Best I ever had.”

She smacked me again. “Don’t play me.”

“Was that not the best you ever had?”

Instead of answering, she rolled away from me onto her other side. I followed, bringing her back to my chest. She squirmed, but she didn’t put up much of a fight.

Brushing her hair from her face, I kissed her ear. “Was that a hard question?”

“No. Maybe.” She crammed her face into her pillow so it muffled her voice, but I heard her anyway. “That was the first time I’ve had sex sober.”

I stilled. “First time ever?”

She nodded, still buried in the pillow.

“I have to say I’m honored. I don’t know what I did to deserve being woken up by your mouth, but I want to know so I can keep doing it.”

She waved me off, keeping her face hidden. “I thought sleepy sex might be like drunk or high sex. It wasn’t.”

I touched my lips to her shoulder. “You were wide awake.”

She nodded. “Yeah. Now I’m tripping.”

“No need to trip. That was incredibly hot. I want a repeat as soon as possible, but we’re not getting married. Let’s just let this ride, okay?”

When I’d picked Helen up to take her to see Shakespeare, I hadn’t envisioned us ending up here. I liked her, I was attracted to her, but I really wasn’t in a place to pursue anything serious. Not that I wouldn’t treat Helen right now that we were here. I didn’t have it in me to mistreat this girl who’d been mistreated all her life.

She blindly swatted at me. “Go back to sleep.”

“You too.” I settled behind her. After a minute or two, she relaxed against me, so I kissed her shoulder. “Cute little spoon.”

The giggle she let out hit me square in the chest. “Shut up, Theodore.”

I grinned against the back of her neck and pulled her tighter to me.

“Night, Helen.”