Theo’s breath was hot on my lips. His eyes were on mine. My palms skated down his back to the slope of his muscular ass. I dug my hands into his back pockets, holding him against me.

My head fell back into the car, lips parting on a moan. Our gazes locked as he brought me over so quickly, I might have been embarrassed if I’d cared about anything but what we were doing. Because I was coming hard on the hand of a guy who drove me to see Shakespeare, had twinkly blue eyes, and kissed me like the sky was falling and I was his only shelter.

Theo leaned deeper into me, panting on my lips, watchful eyes keeping me in place almost as much as his body. His dick prodded my hip, but he didn’t thrust or rub it on me. It was just there, and it felt perfect.

“Gorgeous,” he murmured. “You’re so incredibly hot, Tiger. You make me crazy.”

I hooked my arm around his neck, steadying myself on him. “You just made me come in a parking lot, Theodore. I think I’m the one who’s out of my mind.”

His forehead dropped to mine. “Just made you come. Still have my fingers in your hot pussy. Think you can call me my name for a minute?”

“Yeah.” I nodded. “I can do that, Theo.”

“Shit.” He shifted his hips, but only slightly. “I need to back up a couple steps, baby. Then I’m going to need you to get in the car and give me a minute to get a handle on things.”

He didn’t move, and I laughed, rubbing the side of his neck. “Back up. We need to get on the road after you deal with your dick. I’ve got work tonight.”

That did it. He let me go, then walked around the hood of the car after he adjusted himself. I slipped inside, drawing in wobbly breaths. That wasn’t how I’d expected the day to go, but I couldn’t say I was mad about it.

I shifted in my seat to watch Theo circle the car, the ache between my thighs pulsing with aftershocks. No, I wasn’t mad about it at all.

Theo finally climbed in, and when he did, he leaned over the console, gripped my chin, and laid a long, hard kiss on my lips. Then he left me with a softer one.

“Did you get a handle on it?” I asked.

“Yeah.” He shoved a hand through his hair. “That was not expected.”

“I know. That’s why it’s okay it happened.”

His gaze narrowed as he inspected me. “You’re sure?”

“Mmhmm. I think you know me well enough to know I’d tell you if I was displeased.”

That brought out a sardonic grin. “I do know that.” He put the car in reverse, backing out of the parking spot, and pulled onto the road. “What time do you have to be at work?”

“Nine. We have time.”

Two hours. It would be close, but he could drop me at the dorm, I’d grab my skank clothes, change fast, and take the bus to the club. Almost not enough time, but I’d make it.

“That’s late, so I’m thinking you must work in a club.”

I tucked my foot under my leg so I could turn to him. “Why is that your guess? I could be a cleaner or a factory worker. Lots of night-shift jobs.”

He tapped the steering wheel. “Because you’re smart and know you’re beautiful. If I was an old married guy and you served me a drink, I’d give you a massive tip for existing and allowing me to breathe the same air.”

“Sweet.” I ran my fingers along his arm. “You’re sayingyou, Theodosius Longbottom Whitlock, wouldn’t give me a massive tip for existing?”

He sputtered. “Theodosius now? Honestly, baby, I think you should be givingmea tip for not complaining about you calling me by the wrong name.”

“You didn’t answer the question.”

His mouth tipped at the corners. “If you came at me, I didn’t know you at all, pouting those red lips, undoubtedly wearing something sexy as fuck, I would get your attention any way I could. Paying you for it? No, baby. I want your attention because you’re interested in what we can have with each other.”

His profile was a study in proportion. Strong jaw, jutting to just the right degree. Lips full, but still masculine. Straight, distinguished nose with the smallest bump that made it interesting. Even from the side, his eyes twinkled. Theo was so ridiculously beautiful, it was hard to comprehend.

“You have my attention, Theo.”

His head fell back on his seat while his eyes remained on the road in front of him. “Thank Christ for that.”