Chapter Twenty-seven


An hour after Theo and Lock had left my suite,intent on murder, Lock arrived back. He told me Daniel had received a message, Theo hadn’t been arrested, and everyone was still breathing. Call me a barbarian, but knowing Theo beat the hell out of Daniel in my honor sent a shot of pleasure up my spine. That was the only type of justice a girl like me could expect to have—and Theo had given that to me.

You make it easy to light the match, Tiger. Now watch me make it burn.

Of course, that pleasure was tempered with his absence. Lock said Theo had some things to take care of and he’d be in touch with me soon, but still, he wasn’t here.

I could admit I wanted him with me. I hadn’t forgiven him. I didn’t know if I could go down that road with him again. But his presence made me feel safe in a way no one else did. Not even Lock, who I had no doubt would throw down for me in a heartbeat because he was that kind of man. Theo’s protectiveness came from a different place, something I’d never experienced and couldn’t name, but when he gave it to me, it was like being shrouded in a snug, warm blanket.

Lock bought pizza for Zadie and me, then stayed with us to eat. We watched a couple movies, Lock in the armchair, Zadie and I snuggled on one of the love seats. None of us really talked, but we didn’t make a move to leave each other’s company either.

Theo texted halfway through the second movie.

Theo:Hey...I’m taking care of some things. It’s taking longer than I thought, but it’s getting done. Are you with Lock?

Me:I’m fine. I’m with Lock and Zadie. Don’t worry about me.

Theo:I am worried about you. I don’t know if I can make it back there tonight. Are you going to be okay to sleep?

Me:I didn’t expect you to come back. I’m good. I’ll probably take Zadie’s meds again and pass out. I’ll see you in class tomorrow.

Theo:You’re safe, baby. Nothing is going to touch you again. I promise you that. I’ll see you tomorrow.

The door burst open just as I shoved my phone in my hoodie pocket. Elena flounced in, threw her weekend bag on the floor, and let out a dramatic sigh. Then her eyes landed on us. First Lock, because he was unmissable, then Zadie, and finally me. Her jaw dropped.

Her finger made a circle in the air as she pointed to my face. “That better be from a car accident.”

I shook my head. “My mom’s loan shark.”

Elena charged at me, took my chin in her hand, and moved my head back and forth to examine me from every angle.

“This is unacceptable. Is this person dead now?”

I shook my head. “No.”

“Why not?” Her attention shifted to Lock. “Who are you?”

He barely glanced at her. “Lachlan.”

Elena stared at him, then me. “I need a hell of a lot more information. Begin with the massive man occupying my favorite chair and fill in the rest.”

Lock abruptly rose to his feet. “I’m going to go.” He lowered his chin, capturing my gaze. “I’m five minutes away. Anything you need, you call. Don’t hesitate. Even if you want me to sit in your living room while you sleep. Do you hear me?”

I nodded, the backs of my eyes stinging. “I hear you, dude. Thank you.”

He left quietly but quickly, closing the door behind him with a gentle snick. Elena rushed over and locked it, then she turned back to me, her hands on her hips.

“Tell me everything so I know how many hit men I have to ask my dad to hire.”

It took a surprisingly short amount of time to recount the trauma that had punched me in the gut over the last twenty-four hours. When I ended the tale of events with Daniel having the shit beat out of him, Elena’s smile was satisfied.

She waved her hand in front of her. “Back up just a sec. I need to know what went down with the whole hostage situation.”

Zadie’s cheeks went pink.

When I’d gotten back last night, Amir had been gone. I’d barely been able to stand, but the first thing I did was check over Zadie while she tried to bat me away so she could take care of me. We were both crying messes, but Zadie hadn’t been injured, and her tears seemed to be solely over me. Once Lock got us in my bed, me covered in ice packs and drugged up, Zadie promised Amir hadn’t hurt her, but that had been all she’d offered.