Page 20 of Heart of a SEAL

Her sweet peals of laughter were music to his ears.

Chapter Seven

Four hours later and a few miles north of Coeur d’Alene, Luke had finally given in and let her drive. Sally could tell by his heavy eyelids and the slight slur to his words that he’d needed to rest, despite the dire description he’d given of his sleeping issues. She’d managed to doze some while he drove. Though not well rested by any means, she was alert enough to take the wheel. He’d fallen into a restless slumber almost immediately upon switching places. So far, he’d mumbled unrecognizable phrases, but otherwise he seemed like anyone else catnapping in a car.

Midmorning on a Saturday meant more traffic than she was used to. Huntington never saw many travelers other than locals. The sky was overcast, but the clouds were breaking up to the north. Seeing the sun would be a nice touch after the night they’d had. Jen squirmed on the seat behind her but settled in again without waking. Sally stretched taller so she could see her in the rearview mirror.Peaceful. Beautiful. Poor baby must have been exhausted.

Every few minutes, Sally’s glance fell on Luke, asleep in the seat beside her, his rolled-up jacket forming a pillow where he leaned his head against the side window. Warmth invaded her belly, making her smile secretly. His muscled chest moved up and down gently with each breath. The urge to touch him was nearly overwhelming. The memory of his lips on hers sent electrical pulses all the way to her toes. She was as giddy as a teenager, falling in love for the first time. The difference was, she’d been in love with Luke for a long time…and now he’d come back, professing an interest in starting over. She wanted to believe he felt the same way she did, but her heart was still raw—a gentle reminder the world could change in a heartbeat.

She’d meant every word, but was it possible to spend time with him, let him touch her…make love to her…and not risk her heart? Even though intimately acquainted with the shattered pieces he’d reduced her soul to after his rescue, she still wasn’t willing to give up this time with him—this possibility. Their relationshipcouldwork. She’d never know unless she let go of her fears long enough to give him a chance.

Masochistic much?

Never in her life had she acted like an irresponsible child. She’d grown up at fourteen—the day her mother died, leaving her in the care of her only living relative. Her father…Clive Brennan. Apparently, she was making up for lost time now, her insides turning to mush at the mere thought of Luke’s touch. To have so quickly abandoned her determination not to trust the man who’d broken her heart had to be foolish to say the least. Didn’t it? After all, hers and Jen’s lives depended on the decisions she made in the next few days.

What if she was wrong about him?

This is Luke.

She scoffed soundlessly, chastising herself for even thinking he could be anything other than honorable. Sally glanced at the sleeping military hero beside her and slowly shook her head.No. There’s not an unprincipled bone in his body. He’s come back a slightly different man—but the same in every way that matters.

The heaviness of guilt bore down on her again, as it had earlier, when she’d told Luke she wouldn’t settle for anything less than honesty. Wasn’tsheguilty of withholding the truth from him—information that could easily put her life in jeopardy? Sure…she’d told him about Clive Brennan’s crime, her testimony and the resulting witness protection gig, but she’d left out the part that humiliated her to the bone—the fact that the monster was her father. She’d wanted to tell Luke—to have everything out in the open—but when she’d formed the words in her mind, her mouth had gone dry to the point her tongue refused to cooperate, the breath caught in her throat and her world began to spin. If Luke hadn’t reached to steady her on that mountain road in front of Garrett and Jonathan, she’d have hit the dirt for sure.

Still, it was crucial not to lose sight of what was important. Jen’s safety came first. Besides, Marshal Lambert was on his way to find her with plans to stash them back in hiding before the day was out. A sudden memory brought her up short. She’d left her cell phone behind when Jen and she jumped from Luke’s truck. It was going to be hard for Lambert to find her if she didn’t answer her phone. She couldn’t even call him because his number was pre-set in her contacts and she had no idea what it was.

Equal amounts of fear and relief surged through her, along with a hefty dose of excitement at the feeling of freedom from the bonds that had held her for so many years. To no longer have the federal government responsible for her safety brought mixed emotions—and possibly it was premature to be celebrating. On the other hand, the feds certainly hadn’t done such an outstanding job keeping Clive and his men away from her last night.

At that instant, Luke jerked forward, grabbing the dash with both hands, his eyes wild. Every muscle in his arms and legs strained in the throes of whatever nightmare had woken him. “Get back! Get the fuck back!”

Startled, she slammed on the brakes and the Jeep fishtailed to a stop on the side of the road. “Luke?”

For a fraction of a second, the blank look he gave her held no recognition. His features twisted into a mask of rage as he grabbed the steering wheel. Jen moaned and stirred on the backseat but apparently slipped back into her deep sleep. Sally cringed away from Luke’s obvious anger and, suddenly, concern for Jen’s safety and hers became Sally’s overriding thought. Would she upset him further if she tried to reach her daughter?

It’s still Luke!She forced herself to focus. He was still the man she cared about, and he was obviously hurting somewhere deep down inside. She wouldn’t cut and run at the first sign of trouble.

Sally placed her hand firmly over his where he gripped the steering wheel. “Luke, wake up.” She’d tried for calm and had managed a small amount of bravado.

Confusion surfaced in Luke’s expression and, as suddenly as it had begun, his glazed eyes cleared and a scowl hardened his features. He let loose the dash and steering wheel, dragging his hands the length of his stubble-covered face as he leaned back in the seat. “Sorry. I’m okay.”

Not wanting Luke to see how much he’d frightened her, Sally stepped on the gas again, guiding the Jeep into the northbound lane. Her heart still pounded as she stole a glance at his profile. Was that what it was like all the time for him? He’d warned her, but she’d had no idea his episodes would be so intense. Thankfully, Jen hadn’t witnessed his outburst. She wouldn’t have understood.

Silence resumed in the cab until, a few minutes later, he slid his hand onto her knee and turned his head toward her. “I’m sorry, babe. Are you okay? I didn’t mean to startle you.”

She smiled. It was still Luke. He was having a hard time right now and he needed her to be strong. Her heart swelled to overflowing for her Navy SEAL and all the wounds he’d suffered. “I’m fine. Go back to sleep.”

He squeezed her knee before settling back in the seat. Heaven help her—she loved him. The need to touch him came again, stronger this time.We deserve a little happiness—all of us. It’s not like I’m going into this with blinders on.

Forty miles later, on the outskirts of Sandpoint, Sally yawned as she pulled the Jeep off the highway and into the parking lot of a small, tired-looking motel. The sun had broken free from the clouds and now hung directly overhead.

Instantly, Luke sat straight and scanned from right to left, his gaze finally coming to rest on her. “What’s up?”

“We’re stopping. I need food, a shower and a clean bed to stretch out in, not necessarily in that order.”

Luke looked toward the rustic motel, its faux log cabin sides missing chinks of plaster here and there. Huge, old air-conditioning units hung on the front of each room, lined up alongside a dozen doors, painted neon green, all in a row, ending with a glass door bearing a sign saying “Check-in.” His nose wrinkled. “Is this the best we can do, babe?”

Sally shoved the gearshift into Park and rested her head on the steering wheel. For a moment, she considered kissing the doubtful grimace off his face but dismissed the idea when she heard Jen rustling behind her. “Yes. For now, it will have to do. I don’t have any money, Luke, but I’ll pay you back every cent.”

“No need. Money should be the last of your worries right now.” Luke raised up slightly and inserted one hand into his right front pocket. “Besides, Uncle Sam has been taking care of my expenses for a while now. So, I’ve got a bundle saved.”