Page 49 of Heart of a SEAL

“Consider yourself warned.” Luke brushed her lips with infinite care, moving slowly down her throat to the fullness of her breast, pleased by the way her pulse leaped in the hollow of her throat as he stroked the pebbled tips with his tongue. He had all night…and either way it went was a win.

Chapter Sixteen

Sally sat cross-legged on the foot of the bed, leaned her elbows on her knees and stared at Luke’s sleeping form. The poor guy deserved to sleep in. He’d been awake most of the night—they both had. While his vigorous activities had evidently tired him out, she’d been completely energized. She couldn’t seem to divest herself of the grin that came every time her mind wandered to the intimacies they’d shared.

Up early and raring to go, she’d showered and changed into khaki shorts and a white tank top, reserving a dark blue fleece jacket for the coolness of the morning. She’d entertained and rejected the idea of leaving a note for Luke and walking to Daniel and Ellen’s house by herself. That would no doubt be careless after Luke had called out Travis, Matt and Coop last night to check out a flash of light down by the river. She wouldn’t diminish Luke’s concern by acting foolishly.

She looked yearningly through the open bedroom door, where the sun was just making an appearance through the front windows. It was going to be a gloriously beautiful day. She started to slide her legs off the bed when a warm hand grabbed her wrist. Luke pulled her toward him until she was sprawled on top of him.

Smoldering eyes regarded her from beneath lowered lashes. “You’re dressed already? What are you doing up so early?”

“I’m too happy to sleep.” Sally pecked him on the lips. “You, on the other hand—you led me to believe you didn’t ever sleep and look at you.”

“You must have put a spell on me. I haven’t slept so soundly in over a year.” Luke lay a finger alongside her chin, turned her head and landed a kiss on the corner of her mouth. “It’s all you, sunshine. We’re good together. You know that, right?”

“I’m starting to see the up side.”

He snickered good-naturedly. “Yeah? Does that mean you’re ready to accept my proposal?” Luke raked one hand through her hair, grabbing a handful, and made her look at him.

Words failed her, but, apparently, her stunned silence told him everything he needed to know. The hurt in his eyes pierced her like a knife. “I’m sorry, Luke. I thought you understood. Clive Brennan is a black cloud hanging over my head. My life hasn’t been my own since I was eighteen. I can’t give you all of me and I don’t see you settling for less. My father overshadows every waking moment of my existence. It wouldn’t be fair to you any more than it’s been fair to Jen all these years.”

Luke released a sigh. “I could argue that a hundred different ways…but I’m going to let it go for now. We’ll find a way to entice Brennan out in the open and make him go away once and for all. Youwillbe free of him—that’s a promise. I can be patient until then, but don’t expect me to give up. Just promise me one thing—let me be a part of your life, and Jen’s.”

Sally nodded, uneasiness stealing over her. That was a promise she’d really like to keep…but could she? She forced a smile. “Now, are you going to get up?”

Luke dumped her off to the side as he stepped from the bed in all his naked beauty, stretched and strode toward the bathroom. Sally never got tired of seeing him, touching him—never ceased to be amazed that someone so strong, handsome and kind would pick her from all the women who’d have loved to stand by his side. Women who didn’t have murderous family members out to kill them.

Sally shook off the thought as soon as it came. She didn’t want anything spoiling this day. Straightening the sheets, she made the bed and then moved into the front room to start a pot of coffee. The bright sun drew her to the window beside the door, and she gazed out longingly. So quiet out there. No sign of any of the men. When did the day start around here? The coffeepot made its final gurgle, signifying the dark brew was done. She rummaged for two cups and poured the liquid in both.

Luke was dressed in jeans, unbuttoned, and nothing else, when she stuck her head through the crack in the door he’d left. He smiled at her in the mirror, then turned to take her in his arms. The kiss he gave her was long, lingering and filled with the love he professed for her. She could get used to that.

“Ummm…you’ve had coffee,” he said, smacking his lips.

“Yep. I brought you some.” Sally handed him the full cup, and he growled his pleasure before taking a big swallow.

“Give me two minutes, sunshine. I’m almost ready.”

“No hurry.” It was a lie. Sally wanted to go now—needed to see Jen to make sure she was okay. Two minutes might as well be forever.

Sally clamped her lips shut on the unbearable need to implore him to move faster. Watching him sit at one of the dining chairs to slip on a pair of sneakers, she bit her tongue to keep it still.

At her second deep sigh, Luke straightened and regarded her with raised brows. “What?”

“Nothing.” She dismissed his question with an impatient wave of her hand.

“Okay…but itseemslike there’s something.” He leaned back and gulped another swallow of coffee while he studied her.

Sally would have made it if he hadn’t smirked. Throwing her hands in the air, she stomped her feet petulantly. “Are you ready yet? What’s the holdup?”

Luke had the nerve to chuckle. “My, we’re impatient this morning. Tired of being alone with me?”

A roll of her eyes made him laugh out loud. “Don’t be absurd. Can’t you see the sun’s shining? It’s a gorgeous day and we’re missing the best part. Jen’s probably already up having breakfast. Get a move on, sailor. We’ve got things to do.”

Luke stood so fluidly, he was halfway to her before his purposeful strides registered. The sparkle of humor in his seductive eyes was all that kept her from retreating. Stopping before her, he pushed her hair behind her shoulders. Cupping her chin, he kissed her soundly. “There’s the sunshine I remember. It’s good to finally see you happy. Dare I hope I had a little something to do with this turn of events?”

Sally’s smile came unbidden. There was no mistaking the intensity of his love in the warmth that shone from his eyes. She wasn’t alone anymore. Happiness filled her heart.

He must have found her answer in the sappy smile she couldn’t rid herself of. With another smirk, his expression turned playful. “Tell you what—I have to finish getting dressed and tie my shoes yet. Then I’ll give you a thirty second head start…and I’ll still beat you to Daniel’s cabin.” The challenge in his voice was obvious.