Page 46 of Heart of a SEAL

Luke and Ellen stood in the open doorway of the cabin when Sally descended the stairs.

Ellen turned toward her, and her gaze swept to the upper floor. “Asleep?”

“I didn’t have the heart to wake her. I’ll leave her, if you’re sure you don’t mind.”

“She’ll be fine here, and don’t worry about coming early to get her. We’re going to take it easy around here in the morning.”

Leaning against the doorframe, Luke studied Sally. “Are you sure, sunshine? I don’t mind packing her back to our place.”

Luke’s sincerity was obvious in his expression, and she loved him for it. Meeting his gaze and holding it, she shook her head. “I think Ellen’s right.”

Daniel entered the cabin at that moment, pushing through the small group standing around the door. “My wife is always right. What’s she right about this time?”

“That Jen will sleep here tonight.” Sally caught Ellen’s gaze and the woman nodded.

“I can’t believe you even tried to argue with her,” Daniel said as he edged Luke and Sally toward the doorway. “You two go on now…and have fun.”

When they stepped onto the front porch, Daniel closed the door in their faces.

Sally raised an eyebrow and glanced at Luke. He stared at her, intensity in his gaze. His slow, sexy smile woke the butterflies in her stomach as he reached for her hand. “You heard the man, sunshine.”

* * * *

“Regrets?” Luke slung his arm around Sally’s shoulders as they left Daniel’s cabin, partly because of the chill in the night air and partly because of her sudden silence. If she’d made the wrong call, there was still time to fix things.

She glanced up with a smile. “No, not at all.” A tiny shrug lifted one shoulder. “Maybe I feel a little guilty leaving her. Can we do something fun with Jen tomorrow after the guests are settled?”

“I was going to suggest that. How about fishing? We can take Bridgett too. Give Ellen some time off.”

Sally’s sigh appeared to lift a weight off her. “Jen would love that. You’re so thoughtful, Luke.” An impish grin blossomed on her luscious lips. “Mmm…I’m so turned on right now.”

He laughed aloud. “That’s what does it for you, huh? A thoughtful guy?” Luke dipped his head toward her. “Listen, do me a favor and keep your observation to yourself. If Travis and the guys get hold of that, I’ll never hear the end of it.”

He stopped abruptly and brought her in tightly against him, putting a silencing finger to his lips. What the hell? Was that a flash of light down by the river? Several seconds ticked by and the shiny reflection didn’t reappear. Sally had tensed beside him, and he could have kicked himself for scaring her. “Thought I saw a light near the river, but there’s nothing there now. Just to be on the safe side, though, I’ll have Travis check it out.”

Luke dug his cell phone from his pocket and thumbed to the text message screen.Possible intruder near river below cabin 3. Have a look around?

Almost instantaneously, the reply came.Got your back, Bro.

Luke held Travis’s response out for Sally to read, knowing it would ease her disquiet, as it had his. He was rewarded by her sensuous smile and an arm slipped around his waist as they started walking again. Luke’s suspicion still nagged at him, and he searched the shadows that surrounded the line of cabins, especially the one at the end of the row.

“How did Marshal Lambert find me?” Sally lay her head on his shoulder and looked at him.

He’d wondered when she would ask about the marshal. Luke glanced at her with what he hoped was a reassuring smile, then resumed his scrutiny of the area they yet had to pass through. “I asked him that. Figured it couldn’t hurt to know what we were doing wrong. Lambert said he has a buddy in Huntington.”

“That’s a bit coincidental, isn’t it?”

“Exactly what I said. Apparently, he was already familiar with the town, through his buddy, before he chose it for you. According to him, he called his friend as soon as he heard from you the night of the fire and asked him to keep an eye on you until he got there. Had the nerve to bitch about us taking a little walk through the woods by Aunt Peg’s lodge, but switching vehicles didn’t throw our tail for long. Former military, apparently. He led Lambert right to us.”

Sally was silent for a few seconds, no doubt digesting that bit of information. Travis, Coop and MacGyver would probably be skirting the river by now, but Luke would never see them. They were too good at what they did.

“How did you leave it with him? Heisstill alive, isn’t he? Will he come after us again?” Sally’s brow furrowed and worry deepened the crease on her forehead.

Luke shrugged. “He’s alive…although he’ll probably have a hell of a headache for a few days.”

Sally groaned and covered her face.

“He was pissed as hell, but I convinced him we had everything under control. That instead of trying to make you disappear, he should be enlisting some of his buddies to find out what the hell Brennan is up to. It wasn’t an easy sell, but he eventually came around. He even said to call if we needed anything. I think my charm won him over.”