“Aye,” she answered, feeling the blush rise to her cheeks. “He left to stake his tent. It seems he is here as well as everyone else to compete for the earl’s castle and lands.”

“He also kissed Morag,” Branton was sure to mention.

“Branton, haud yer wheesht,” scolded Morag. “Ye have a waggin’ tongue.”

“Me?” Branton slapped his hands against his chest. “Everyone knows you are the gossip, Morag.”

“Tent? Nay, he won’t stay in a tent,” said Lady Ernestine, ignoring the part about the kiss, most likely to help Morag save face. She looked over the heads of those in the courtyard to see Bedivere. “Branton, do go and tell Sir Bedivere that he is one of my most respected guests. Let him know I’ll have a chamber prepared for him in the castle anon that he’ll use during his stay at Rothbury.”

“Aye, my lady,” said Branton, bowing and taking off at a run.

“Nay, that’s no’ necessary,” said Morag, feeling her heart beating faster. She wasn’t sure she wanted the man inside the castle. What if he cornered her in his room the way he did to Willow? What would she do then? The man scared her but excited her at the same time. It had her very confused.

Lady Ernestine looked at Morag with a sly smile. “He is a handsome man, Morag. And even though your cousin had eyes for someone else, I can see you two belong together.”

“Nay, I dinna think so.” Once again, she felt the color rise to her cheeks. She wrapped her arms around her and looked to the ground, not able to meet Lady Ernestine’s gaze.

“Branton said Sir Bedivere kissed you.”

“It wasna like that. No’ really. It was just a . . . friendly kiss.”

“Morag, stop being so modest.” Ernestine put her arm around Morag’s shoulders, guiding her as they headed to the keep. “Your sister and cousins are all married now and, as your former guardian, I am going to make sure you find a husband before I leave Rothbury. I want to make sure you are well taken care of and I believe Sir Bedivere can do that.”

“Ye do?”

“Aye. I hear he is rich, and we can all see he is handsome. He also seems to be very chivalric around the ladies.”

“I – I suppose so.”

“I remember from the previous competitions that he is well trained in weaponry as well. You will never have to worry about your safety around him, because I am sure he will protect you.”

“Do ye really think so, Lady Ernestine?”

“I do. Sir Bedivere, I’m sure, would never harm you. He’d protect you with his life.”

“But I’m no’ sure Sir Bedivere is lookin’ for a wife.”

“Of course he is, or did you forget? He was here not long ago competing for the hand of a lady in marriage. To my knowledge, he still isn’t married. It is a shame it didn’t work out for him. He seems to have so much to offer.”

“Aye,” said Morag, contemplating the thought. “I suppose he does. How well do ye ken him?”

“Me?” Lady Ernestine’s free hand went to her chest. “Well, of course I don’t know him well, but I’m sure my husband did.”

“Where is his castle, Lady Ernestine?”

“His castle?” The woman stopped walking and blinked twice. “Now that you mention it, I don’t know. I just supposed it was somewhere in Gaunt, but I don’t recall the name or location of it. Why don’t you ask him?”

“I did, but he didna answer.”

“He’s probably being modest, Morag.” Lady Ernestine smiled again. “Men like him don’t like to talk about themselves. He is a true and loyal knight. Someone you can trust.”

“Thank ye,” said Morag, glancing back at Bedivere as he spoke to Branton. He looked up and nodded at Lady Ernestine. When Morag was sure he was heading over to thank her for the offer of the chamber, she decided it was time for her to leave.

“Pardon me, Lady Ernestine, but I think I’ll go for a relaxin’ ride.”

“Oh, don’t go outside the castle gates without an escort,” warned the woman. “There are too many people outside the castle walls and it could be dangerous.”

“I’ll be fine,” she said, trying to get away, but the woman was persistent.

“I’m sure Branton will go with you.” Lady Ernestine waved him over as well.

“Nay, it’s no’ necessary.” Morag wanted to sneak off to the secret garden and the last person she wanted along was Branton.

“Don’t be silly. Branton can protect you, now that he’s a squire. That’s what squire’s do.”

Morag let out a deep sigh, seeing that she was never going to be able to sneak off alone to the secret garden again.