“He’s a guid man,” Morag assured the girls. “If I could tell ye the secret I promised to keep to myself, ye would understand this, too.”

“You want us to believe you’re harboring a secret?” asked Willow with a chuckle.

“We know you all too well,” added Maira. “If there was a secret, you would have told us by now.”

“There is one. Ye have to believe me,” she tried to convince them.

“Morag, I have Mathair watchin’ the baby for now,” said Fia. “Why dinna we go for a walk to help clear yer head?”

“My head is clear,” she protested. However, by the looks they gave her, she realized she was going to have to tell them something more before they’d ever believe her. “I’ve also been gettin’ mentored by Imanie’s sister, Mazelina.”

“Morag, Imanie doesna have a sister,” Fia told her.

“How do ye ken?”

“If she does, she never mentioned it to us,” said Maira.

“This is another one of Morag’s made up stories,” said Willow with sigh.

“Nay, it’s true,” she tried to convince them.

“Then show her to us,” challenged Willow, rubbing her huge stomach. “That is, unless she is naught but made up in your mind.”

“Stop it. All of ye,” cried Morag. “It is true and I will prove it.” She looked across the great hall to see Bedivere talking with Whitmore. Bedivere had warned her not to go out unescorted into the woods. But she wouldn’t be unescorted if her sister and cousins were with her. Maira would protect her since she was skilled with a sword. Mayhap, she’d even let Branton come along. The assassins were dead now and Whitmore was here, so what would it matter? She had to convince the girls that she wasn’t lying.

“How are you going to prove it?” asked Maira.

“I’ll let ye meet Mazelina,” Morag told them.

“Where is she?” asked Fia.

“I am no’ sure. But she was in the secret garden so let’s take a ride and see if she is still there.”

“The secret garden?” asked Fia. “I dinna think I should go. I promised Alastair I wouldna have anythin’ to do with the Followers of the Secret Heart anymore.”

“Alastair isna here, Sister,” Morag pointed out. “And ye are no’ bein’ involved in anythin’. We are goin’ for a harmless ride to a deserted garden, and that’s all.”

“Well, I suppose it’ll be all right then,” agreed Fia.

“I’m glad I didn’t make my husband any kind of foolish promise like that,” said Willow. “I’m ready to go meet Mazelina.”

“I’ll be sure to bring my sword to protect us,” offered Maira.

“Let’s bring Branton along as well,” Morag suggested.

“Branton?” asked Maira. “Whatever for?”

“I promised Bedivere I wouldna leave the castle without an escort,” Morag explained.

“Then Branton it is,” said Fia. “Now, let’s take one last ride to the secret garden for old time’s sake.”

* * *

Bedivere noticedMorag leaving the great hall with her sister and cousins and was glad she was surrounded by those she loved. Hopefully, in a matter of time, he’d free his mother and he, too, could be with his entire family again.

“You look as if you’re up to no good,” Whitmore told Bedivere. “What did you do? And why is Sir Rowen here in the great hall? I thought my man took him above stairs for a little meeting.”

“That meeting was cut short for your man, sorry to say.” Bedivere flashed a smile.