“Lord Rowen, I’ll make you another potion, don’t leave,” said the man.

“Nay, I don’t think I need it any longer.” Rowen glared at him. “You don’t seem very respectful for a healer. I’m surprised Lady Ernestine keeps you around.”

“My apologies, my lord,” said the man, bowing and putting on a grand show.

“Come, Sir Bedivere, let’s go to the great hall to meet my brother,” said Rowen.

“I’ll meet you there,” Bedivere told him. “Since I’m responsible for the spill, it is only fair that I stay and clean up the mess.”

“Have it your way.” Rowen shook his head and headed out the door, closing it behind him.

As soon as the door closed, the assassin pulled a dagger out of his medicine bag and lunged at Bedivere. Bedivere jumped back, stumbling a little but righted himself again.

“Why did you have to interfere?” snarled the man, gritting his teeth. “I almost had him where I wanted him.”

“You will kill him over my dead body,” Bedivere told him.

“I will gladly kill you first, and then all three of the bastards as well.”

They struggled with each other, fighting and holding each other’s hands back from being stabbed. Bedivere was thrown against the wall next to the window. The man was very strong. And when he ran at him again with his blade in his outstretched arm, Bedivere quickly rolled to the side, reaching out and pushing the man right out the open window.

The assassin screamed as he fell to the ground several stories below. Bedivere ran to the window and looked out. It was the back of the castle and the man fell right on a rake that was left there to clean out the gong pit.

The door opened and Percival hurried in. “Brother, Morag told me you were up here and I came right away to see if I could help.” He looked around the room. “Where is everyone?”

“Lord Rowen is down at the great hall where I’d like to be right now,” Bedivere told him. He pushed his dagger into his waist belt and brushed off his clothes.

“All right. Let’s go eat,” said Percival with a smile, liking the idea.

“In a moment,” said Bedivere. “We’ve got one task to attend to first.”