Chapter 13

Morag rode as fast as she could to the secret garden, tears streaming down her face. Bedivere had lied to her and she couldn’t figure out why. She needed to talk to someone, and since her sister and cousins were no longer here, the only one she could trust was Mazelina.

“Mazelina, I need ye,” she cried, rushing into the garden, leaving the gate open and not bothering to tie the reins of the horse to a tree. “Mazelina, where are ye?”

She rushed up the stairs and into the cottage. When there was no sign of the old woman anywhere, she went to the stable and then the shed. Not finding her, she scanned the garden once more but there was no sign of life.

Feeling scared and all alone, Morag ran to the grave of Imanie and fell to her knees. “Oh, Imanie, where are ye when I need ye?” She put her head down on the ground and wept bitterly.

“Morag, I’m here.”

Morag’s head sprang up to see Mazelina on the porch of the house. Morag got up and picked up her skirts and ran to the woman. Just as she was about to throw herself into Mazelina’s arms, the old woman stopped her with a halting hand in the air.

“Enough. Go in the house and we’ll talk.”

Morag opened the door, holding it for the old woman and followed her inside. Once in there, she sank down atop the wooden bench at the table.

“Oh, Mazelina, I think I made a terrible mistake.”

“Did you put your heart before your head?”

“Aye, I did. I coupled with Bedivere and now I think, mayhap, I shouldna have.”

“What made you change your mind?”

“I didna think it was wrong since we were betrothed but, mayhap, I should have waited.”


“Aye, because now I dinna ken if I want to marry him anymore.”

“Why not?”

Morag looked up, telling Mazelina everything. “He had dozens of weapons hidden in a blanket, and told me he has secrets of his past. He lied to me and told me Percival was his squire but I heard Percival call him Brother. Percival almost caught me naked when he burst into the bedchamber with a man name Lord Whitmore.”

“Whitmore?” asked Mazelina. “Morag, you should stay away from that man.”

“Bedivere didna tell me the truth. He kept things from me and now I dinna ken if I can trust him.”

“And you didn’t keep secrets from him as well?”

“Of course, I did. I am sworn to secrecy about ye and about bein’ a member of the Followers of the Secret Heart.”

“How do you know he isn’t sworn to secrecy about something as well?”

“I dinna like secrets.”

“Everyone knows that.”

“He deceived me by keepin’ things from me. Things that I still dinna ken but I feel it is somethin’ bad.”

“You told him you didn’t want to know his secrets about his past, so was he really doing anything wrong?”

“I didna.”

“You did.” Mazelina crossed her arms over her chest and scowled at Morag.

“Aye, I suppose I did.” She sniffed and used a cloth from her pocket to dab at her tears. “I keep forgettin’ ye can read minds.”