“You?” Bedivere’s blood boiled. “What the hell is Whitmore doing? I don’t want you involved. It’s much too dangerous.”

“Not as dangerous as being locked behind bars in Whitmore’s dungeon. Here, take it,” said Percival, waving it in the air. “I don’t want to even touch this bloody thing.”

“Percival, I don’t know what games they are playing but I don’t like this. None of my family is supposed to be involved.” He snatched the missive from Percival’s hand.

“Read your orders,” said Percival, yawning and laying back on the bed again. “Then go off and do your nasty deed to free Mother from the dungeon. And in the morning, I’ll be on my way back to join the rest of our family.”

“Nay, you can’t leave until I do now that Lady Morag thinks you’re my squire.”

“What?” Percival sat upright with a snap. “Don’t tell me I’m to play the role of your squire now. I won’t do it.”

Breaking the wax seal with his thumbnail, Bedivere scanned the missive, silently reading the name of his next mark. He froze, his heart almost stopping. “Nay! This can’t be. There must be some mistake.”

“There’s no mistake, Brother. They told me to deliver the missive and that you’d know what to do.”

“I can see why they sent you now,” said Bedivere, pacing back and forth madder than hell. “Because if anyone else delivered this to me, I would have killed the messenger where he stood.”

“What is it?” asked Percival, getting off the bed and coming to see Bedivere’s orders. Looking over his shoulder, Percival gripped his brother’s forearm tightly.

“Those bastards,” spat Percival.

“That’s right,” growled Bedivere, throwing the missive into the fire to destroy the evidence. “It’s not one kill to free Mother, but three now. It’s a suicide mission and certainly nothing I want to do.”

“I know, Brother, but you have no choice. You have to do it.”

“Mayhap so, Percival. And you know I’d give my own life to free Mother. But tell me, how in the name of the devil am I supposed to take out all three of the Legendary Bastards of the Crown and live to see Mother again afterwards?”