“Aye, Da. Bedivere saved my life.” Emotions welled in Morag. After Bedivere helped her from the horse, she hugged and kissed him, never wanting to let him go.
She looked up to see her father standing there, looking at her with sadness in his eyes.
“Morag, go to your father,” Bedivere whispered, kissing her atop the head and lightly pushing her toward Reed.
“Da?” Morag’s lip quivered and she burst into tears. Her father dropped his sword and held out his arms and Morag ran to him and buried her head against his chest. “Da, I am so sorry for makin’ ye angry with me. I only wanted ye to love me the same way ye love Fia.”
Reed dropped to his knees, holding on to Morag and they continued to hug.
“Morag,” he said, holding her tightly to his chest and rubbing his cheek against her head. She felt his body shaking and noticed a tear dripping down his cheek that wasn’t hers. “I have never been so frightened in my life. I thought I had lost ye. Dinna ever think I dinna love ye because that is the furthest thing from the truth.”
“But ye always seem to forget me and I didna think ye were proud of me since I canna do the things that Fia does.”
“I love ye in a whole different way than Fia, but that doesna mean I love ye less.”
Morag then looked into her father’s eyes and talked from her heart. “Da, I love Bedivere and I want to be his wife. Please, will ye agree to the marriage?”
Reed stood up, bringing Morag with him. Rowen, Rook, and Branton watched on.
“Do ye love Morag?” Reed asked Bedivere after releasing a deep breath.
Bedivere walked up to them and got down on one knee, taking Morag’s hand in his. He looked into her eyes as he spoke.
“I love your daughter,” Bedivere told Reed. “More than life itself.”
Morag smiled, feeling her heart swell. Everything was going to be all right now. She was sure of it.
“Ye saved Morag’s life,” said Reed. “I can never repay ye. If ye want to marry my daughter . . . then I agree to it.”
Morag barely felt the pain in her body anymore because she was so happy that she could burst. Finally, she would get what she always wanted. She would marry Bedivere and they would have a family. She had found the love she always longed for in her heart.
“I love you, Morag,” Bedivere told her. “But I am sorry, I cannot marry you after all.”