Bedivere hesitated and, for a moment, Morag honestly thought he was going to object. But then with a slight nod of his head, he agreed. “All right. But you have to keep this a secret. Plus, I need you to promise to stop going off into the woods without an escort.”
“I promise,” answered Morag, knowing there was no reason to return to the secret garden again since Mazelina had left her.
Bedivere walked over and took Morag by the shoulders. Staring deeply into her eyes, she felt that whatever he was about to say was from his heart. “I love you, Morag. And I won’t allow harm to come to you. When this is all over and my family, as well as yours is safe, and Whitmore is behind bars, I will marry you just like we planned.”
“Really?” Morag was so surprised that he still wanted her that it took her breath away. “Then ye are no’ goin’ to abandon me like everyone else? And ye want to truly be my husband after all?”
“I promise you, I will never abandon you,” he said in a breathy whisper, kissing her atop the head, pulling her against his chest in a protective hug. “I want more than anything to be your husband. Together, we will find a way to save my mother and stop the assassins.”
“I will help ye, Bedivere. Just tell me what to do.”
He released her and took a step back. “I need you to get out there and listen to all the gossip you can.”
“What?” Morag asked, this being the last thing she expected him to say. “Nay, I canna do that. I made a promise never to gossip again.”
“But I need you to gossip! In doing so, you will get others to talk as well. And with a little luck, your skill of meddling into everyone’s affairs will be an asset. We’ll not only be able to find and stop the assassins, but we’ll be able to put Whitmore behind bars where he belongs.”
“So ye really want me to gossip?” Morag found this plan interesting but confusing.
“Yes. More than anything.”
“But I thought gossip was a bad thing,” she said, struggling to understand what she was being asked to do.
“Not in this case. In this case, it’ll be used for good.”
“Use my gossip for a guid purpose,” Morag whispered to herself, remembering the words of Mazelina. Perhaps, if she took her vice and turned it into a virtue, she’d be able to accomplish something amazing like her sister and cousins after all. “All right, I’ll do it!” she said in excitement, knowing it was going to be dangerous, but also the most important thing she would ever do in her life. “I’ll use my skill of gossipin’ to find out all we need to ken and we’ll make things rights for ye, Bedivere. No one should have to be put through the trials ye’ve been through lately.” She reached up and kissed him gently on the mouth. “Yer past doesna matter to me because I understand now why ye did the things ye had to do. If I were in yer position, I would have done the same to help my family.”
“You are going to be helping your family now as well as mine,” he told her.
“Aye,” she said, not wanting to waste any more time. “I only hope we are no’ too late.”