Maira laughed. “Remember, we both wanted it, but my father convinced yours to let me have it since I cried so much louder than you?”

All the girls laughed at that. The bracelet was filled with fond memories of the people Fia loved.

“Did ye see what Imanie put in the bracelet?” asked Morag, pointing it out before Fia could even answer.

“It’s a wooden heart,” she said, noticing the beautiful grain of the wood. There were small holes on either side of it where the leather bands held it in place. On the wooden heart was carved Fia’s name.

“Imanie said she wanted to give you a heart since you were chosen by the queen to belong to the Followers of the Secret Heart group,” Maira explained. “I have a feeling we will all get one at some time or another.”

“No’ me.” Morag let out a frustrated breath, fretting once again.

“Morag, ye are just lucky that Imanie let ye stay and watch our trainin’ these past few years,” Fia reminded her.

“Girls! What are you doing here?” Imanie rode through the back entrance, sliding off her horse and making her way to them in a quick pace. Fia didn’t miss the disturbed look upon her face.

“We came to give Fia her present,” said Maira. “I hope you don’t mind that we didn’t wait for you, Imanie.”

“She was tryin’ to escape the men at the party,” tattled Morag.

“Thank ye all for the beautiful bracelet.” Fia admired it fondly and was about to try it on when Imanie took her arm and dragged her to her feet.

“You all have to leave. Right now.”

“But we just got here,” said Morag.

“It is my birthday, and I had hoped to spend some time with ye,” Fia told her.

“I brought my sword.” Maira held it up. “Can you teach me a few more moves before we leave?”

“Nay. You don’t understand.” Imanie’s brows dipped in concern. “You must get back to the castle anon.”

“What is it, Imanie?” asked Fia. Something was wrong. She could feel it in the signs all around her from the quietness of the forest to the look of disturbance on Imanie’s face. “What’s wrong?”

Imanie rubbed her chest and closed her eyes slightly as she struggled to catch her breath.

“You’re sick, aren’t you?” asked Willow.

“Nay. It’s just my heart. The pain will pass,” said the old woman, holding a hand in the air. “It has been happening lately when I ride too fast.”

This concerned Fia. She had never seen Imanie’s face look so pale. Her breathing was sporadic and not at all like that of a person who had ridden her horse too fast.

“You speak as if we are in danger,” Maira observed.

“You are.” Imanie rubbed her chest again, letting out a deep breath before she explained. “I spotted Highlanders in the woods not far from here.”

“Highlanders?” Willow’s head snapped up in alarm. “What would they be doing on this side of the border?”

“Mayhap they are here to hunt,” suggested Morag.

“I don’t think they are here to hunt.” Imanie made her way over to a wooden bench and sat down. The girls followed.

“Why are they here?” asked Willow.

“They’re spies,” Imanie told them.

“Does this have something to do with those raids on the south coast lately?” Willow questioned.

“I thought King Richard’s army already chased the Scots and the French that were helping them back over the border,” said Maira.