Chapter 3

Alastair heard the English heading from the castle, coming down the road to most likely join up with the king and his army as they burned and pillaged the coast of Scotland. His men were settling in for the night, not expecting anyone to be traveling in the dark.

“They’re comin’,” shouted Rhodric, jumping up and grabbing his claymore.

“Kill the bluidy Sassenachs.” Brohain rushed to mount his horse, not bothering with a saddle.

“Wait,” called out Alastair. “They are no’ comin’ for us. They are on the road and headin’ to meet with their king.”

“So, we’ll stop them from ever gettin’ there.” Brohain roiled up the others as usual, and Alastair tried to calm them.

“We were sent as a scoutin’ party. If we’re all dead, it will do the rest of Scotland no guid. Stay where ye are and dinna attack, I tell ye.”

Brohain was not listening. Before Alastair knew it, half the clan was headed on horseback and foot to confront the English on the road.

“Damn ye,” spat Alastair, heading for his horse as well.

“My laird, are we goin’ to stop the English, too?” Niven was right on his heels.

“Nay. We are goin’ to stop Brohain and the rest of the fools before they get us all killed.”

With the rest of the clan who were loyal to him following, Alastair led the way.

* * *

The soundof shouting woke Fia from a sound sleep. She sat upright in bed, listening intently. She was sure she heard Lord Beaufort’s voice. What was he doing back so soon? She ran to the window and threw open the shutter, stretching her neck to see the gate being raised. Soldiers and wounded men heading into the courtyard.

The door to her chamber banged open and she turned abruptly, holding her hand to her heart. It was Maira and Willow who shared a bedchamber next to the one she shared with her sister.

“Something’s wrong,” said Maira, holding her sword in one hand even though she was only dressed in a nightrail.

“The Highlanders must be attacking the castle,” cried Willow.

“I dinna think so,” said Fia, rushing back to the window. This time, in the light of the torches, she saw Lord Beaufort and some of his guards leading Highland prisoners into the courtyard. There must have been half a dozen of them, and their hands were bound.

“Which of you is the chieftain of the clan?” shouted Lord Beaufort to the prisoners.

“I am,” said an older man, spitting at Beaufort’s feet. The earl swung at him, punching the man in the gut. Fia took a closer look at their plaids, remembering these men from the day in the woods when she was captured by them and then let go. Hadn’t Imanie warned her that these were the same Highlanders in the king’s woods again? Only, this man who stepped forward claiming he was their chieftain was not the man who saved her life. Instead, he was the one who had wanted to kill her!

“Morag, wake up,” Fia called to her sister who could sleep through anything from a thunderstorm to an attack on the castle and never hear a thing. “These are the Highlanders we met in the woods three years ago.”

“Fia?” Morag sat up in bed and rubbed her eyes. “What’s goin’ on?” She yawned. “Maira and Willow, why are ye here?”

“It’s the Highlanders!” exclaimed Willow.

“We’re bein’ attacked? They entered the castle?” Morag sprang out of bed and ran to the window, pushing the others aside so she could see.

“I’m gettin’ dressed and goin’ down there to find out what I can,” said Fia.

“Fia, nay. Please stay here where you’re safe,” Willow begged her.

“Aye, we should wait until morning,” agreed Maira. “Now, everyone back to bed. I am sure Lord Beaufort will tell us all that has transpired as soon as it is light.”

Fia laid in bed, tossing and turning, having had horrible dreams all night about Imanie. She worried for the old woman. If the Highlanders attacked the English soldiers, they might have attacked and killed her as well. She looked back at the open window, still hearing the sounds of the soldiers’ voices. How could she sleep knowing Highlanders were inside the castle walls?

She sneaked out of bed and dressed quickly. First light would be here soon, but she couldn’t wait. She had to know now what happened in the woods and if the Scots had been anywhere near the secret garden.

Her hand was on the door when she heard her sister’s voice from the bed.