As she rode toward the castle, she glanced over her shoulder, feeling as if she were being watched.

The girls made it back quickly and entered through the castle gate instead of sneaking in. They were passed up by soldiers armed for battle heading out of the castle.

“Girls! Where have you been?” Lord Beaufort rode up on his horse followed by some of the guests who were dressed for battle as well. Chaos broke out and women and children ran through the courtyard. Some of the women were saying goodbye to their husbands.

“We’re sorry, Lord Beaufort,” Maira said, taking the lead. She slipped out of the saddle and to the ground. “We went out for a ride.”

“Egads, you girls are naught but trouble,” said the earl. “When I return, I will send missives to all of your fathers telling them you have disobeyed my orders and have been sneaking out of the castle without an escort.”

“We weren’t in any danger,” said Willow. “Not really.”

“I had my sword to protect us,” added Maira.

“Girls, there you are.” Lady Ernestine ran up to greet them, wringing her hands in worry. “I was afraid the Highlanders found you and abducted you.”

“Highlanders?” Fia asked, wondering what they knew.

“One of the guards said he saw a Highlander while out on patrol,” said Lord Beaufort. “It seems the king’s woods are crawling with them.”

“Is that where ye’re goin’?” asked Fia. “To fight them?”

“Yes, and more,” was all the man said before directing his men out the gate. Ernestine ran after him.

“Fia, Maira, where have you been?” Branton approached with a sword at his waistbelt and carrying filled travel bags. He was on foot. “Lord Beaufort is leaving to fight the Scots. He got a missive from King Richard and has gone to be at the king’s side.”

“King Richard has called for knights and lords to join him?” asked Maira. “That means my father might be heading up the coast of Scotland with him.”

“And mine, too,” said Willow.

“They’ll be fightin’ our faither, Fia.” Morag jumped down from the horse and headed over to join them.

“This isna guid,” said Fia. “Our uncles and our faithers willna fight against each other.”

“If your fathers pay homage to the king, then they don’t have a choice,” Branton told them. “If they are called to battle, they have to go, no matter what the circumstances.” A knight summoned Branton. The boy hurried over to give him the travel bag since he didn’t seem to be going along with the men.

“Do ye think our faither is goin’ to have to fight against Uncle Rook and Uncle Rowen?” Morag asked Fia.

“For the sake of both Scotland and England, I hope no’,” Fia answered. This was a situation no one would want to experience.