Cerberus pushed through the crowd and leaped up at Alastair, putting its paws on his shoulders just then.

“Get down,” he grumbled, having no luck at pushing the dog away.

“He has somethin’ in his mouth,” observed Fia.

“It’s the ring,” called out Niven from next to Alastair.

“God’s eyes, ye’re right.” Alastair took the small box from the hound’s mouth and opened it, pulling out a ring and holding it up in the air. “I couldna have trained the dog to do that,” he said with a chuckle.

“And just in time,” added Niven.

Alastair slipped the ring onto Fia’s finger just as the sky opened up in a downpour.

“I pronounce ye man and wife, ye may kiss the bride,” the priest said all at once, slamming shut his book and running for cover.

“Everyone to the great hall,” called out Reed, leading the crowd out of the rain.

Fia didn’t notice the rain drenching them because she was busy kissing Alastair and thinking of how excited she was to be his wife.

“Tonight is the night,” he told her, picking her up in his arms to carry her to the great hall. Fia knew what he meant because she was anticipating their consummation just as much as he was. “Niven,” Alastair called out as he placed her on her feet inside the keep.

“Aye, my laird?” asked Niven, rushing over with the dog at his heels.

Alastair stared into Fia’s eyes as he spoke. “Tell the cooks to hold off the meal for an hour and have the minstrels and jongleurs entertain everyone until we get to the great hall.”

“My laird?” asked Niven, pushing the dog away as it barked and continued to pull at his sleeve. “Ye are already here.”

“Nay, we’re no’,” he said, picking up Fia and carrying her in the opposite direction. “And keep the damned dog out of the bedchamber because I am no’ goin’ to be in the mood for sharin’ my bed with anyone but my new wife for the next hour.”

“Alastair,” said Fia as he kicked open the door and headed straight to the bed. “My parents are out there and so are my cousins and uncles.”

“And that is where they will stay until we have consummated our marriage.” He closed and barred the door and hurried back to the bed.

“Perhaps we should wait until after the celebration.”

“I have waited long enough and will no’ wait a minute longer.” He started a fire in the hearth and was out of his clothes before she even knew what happened. “Let’s take off that gown and dry it by the fire, shall we?” He pulled her over in front of the hearth.

“I – I – ” She said nothing more because his mouth covered hers in a passionate kiss while his fingers expertly undid the lacing of her bodice. He slowly pushed the gown off her shoulders and slid it from her body letting it pool around her ankles.

“Ye are my wife,” said Alastair, removing her shift and then untying her braies and dropping them to the floor as well. “Ye are my bonnie, bonnie wife.” In one motion, he swept her off her feet, causing her to squeal in pleasure. He brought her to the bed and laid her down gently, covering her body with his.

His skin against hers felt hot. His manhood was already stiff and rubbed up against her belly as he held himself up on his elbows. He trailed kisses down her neck and over to her chest.

“Alastair, I have waited for this moment for a long time.”

“No’ as long as me.”

“I am excited, but yet I am scared.”

He lifted his head and gazed into her eyes with concern. “Fia, I would never hurt ye. Ye need to ken that.”

“I do,” she told him. “I trust ye, Alastair, and I love ye.”

“I love ye, too.” He rolled to his side and took his time making sure she felt at ease before he entered her. “Close yer eyes, Fia.”

“Nay. I dinna want to miss a thing.”

“Then kiss me and love me and dinna worry because I promise ye this will be enjoyable. I will make certain it is.”