He pulled back and looked at her from the sides of his eyes. “Aye?”

“Neither will I promise to be a subservient wife to be treated no better than a dog.”

She held her breath, waiting for him to explode at hearing this. She had spoken out of line and no man she knew would ever put up with a woman talking this way to him. It was a risk to say this, but she didn’t want to marry him if he was going to beat her the way his father did to his mother.

He was quiet for a few seconds, and then a grin spread across his face, and he started laughing! Taking her by her shoulders, he pulled her to his chest in a protective hug. “Dinna worry, Fia, I will never treat ye less than honorably. After all, ye are the granddaughter of a king. Besides, ye should ken by now that the dog of this castle gets treated better than even me around here. Now, let’s go greet our guests that are startin’ to arrive for the weddin’.”

“Alastair? Do ye think ye will ever see yer mathair again?”

“I’m no’ sure. And I am no’ convinced the woman on the battlefield really was my mathair.”

“But are ye sure ye didna see the lassie’s face who saved ye? Certainly, ye wouldna have forgotten the face of yer own mathair.”

“Nay, I didna see it. Her face was in shadow, and she wore a long, hooded cloak.”

“Then perhaps yer mathair is still alive. Now that yer faither is gone, mayhap she will have the courage to return.”

“I’d like to think that, Fia, honestly I would. But in my heart, I feel as if she is watchin’ over my deceased brathair instead. They are together wherever people go when they leave this life. Now, please, let’s no’ talk about death anymore. We are to be married and will start a new life together. What is in the past is gone and I willna be reminded of things that upset me on the most important day of my life.”