“She was English, just like my faither said,” Alastair told her. “I dinna care what ye say, Faither. I love Fia and want to marry her. Laird Grant, if Reed agrees to let me marry his daughter, will ye release my faither and accept an alliance between our clans instead?”

“I agree to the marriage if it is what Fia wants,” said Reed, holding the tip of his sword out as if he were ready to strike down the next person who attacked, no matter what side they were on.

“It is what I want,” answered Fia. “I want this verra much.” She turned and looked directly into Alastair’s eyes. “This will be the best for all concerned. We will do it no’ only for us, but for the guid of all the clans involved.”

“I agree,” said Alastair, still not able to move because of the guards holding him.

Hamil held his hand over his bloody side, conversing quietly with Fingal and several of his men. Finally, he looked up and nodded. “Reed, if ye are willin’ to have yer daughter married to a MacPherson, then I accept the alliance between our clans and set Duncan MacPherson free.”

“Then it is done,” said Reed, putting away his sword. “Release him,” he told the guards holding Alastair. Alastair gave Fia a quick hug and kiss atop the head and then ran over to help his father stand.

“Faither, ye need to get back to camp. Yer wound bleeds heavily. Someone, bring the supply wagon quickly.”

“There is a healer here,” offered Reed. “Perhaps he can look at yer faither’s wound.”

“Nay,” complained Duncan. “I would rather die right here than to stay another minute within the walls of Grant Castle.”

“Get him out of here,” Alastair commanded. Brohain and Rhodric stepped forward to help their chieftain to the wagon.

“Come on, Fia,” said Alastair, helping her mount his horse.

“Where are ye takin’ my daughter?” asked Reed.

“We are goin’ back to Cluny Castle. Ye are welcome to come along,” Alastair told Reed. “My faither needs healin’, and I would like to discuss the marriage with ye as well as with Fia.”

Reed nodded to his men. “Let’s help them in any way we can. If my daughter is goin’ to be a MacPherson, then I want to see where she will be livin’. Let’s get a move on to Cluny Castle.”