“It’s time you leave now, Fia.” Imanie touched Fia’s shoulder. When she did, a wave of grief passed between them. Fia’s eyes shot up to meet Imanie’s, confirming her suspicions. There was no doubt in Fia’s mind Imanie was saying goodbye forever.

“I will never see ye again, will I?” asked Fia, trying to hold back the tears.

“I’m not long for this world, Fia.” Imanie rubbed her heart again. “But either way, you must know that I will always be with you.”

There was another shout from the forest, and it sounded much closer.

“Go!” said Imanie, pushing Fia toward her horse.

“Are ye sure ye willna come with me?”

“This is my home and where I will stay.”

Fia mounted her horse, clutching the bracelet in her hand. Her emotions ran rampant, and confusion filled her head. Should she stay with Imanie or should she return to the castle with her sister and cousins? She felt torn because she wanted to do both but she couldn’t. She needed to make a quick decision and hope it wasn’t the wrong one.

“Come on, Fia. We need to go now!” Maira poked her head back inside the gate. Morag held on to Maira atop the horse, looking very frightened. Willow turned her horse in a full circle, as the animal was anxious to leave as well. Staying here was no longer an option. Fia had to stick with her cousins and sister and help them get back to the castle before the Scots found them in the woods.

“Let’s go,” said Fia, looking over her shoulder at Imanie. She nodded slightly. “Thank ye, Imanie. I will never forget ye.” Why did this have to feel so much like a final goodbye? The idea tore her up inside. With a yank to the reins, Fia turned her horse and rode hard, trying to get back to the castle before the Highlanders attacked them in the woods.