Chapter 16

Fia awoke the next morning feeling warm and comfortable and like she’d had the best night’s rest in years. It took her a moment to remember she was sleeping dressed only in her shift and in Alastair’s bed. He had his arm around her, and his mouth pressed up against the back of her head.

By the sound of his deep, even breathing, she realized he was still asleep. Trapped under his heavy arm, she could do nothing to move until he awoke.

“A-hem,” she said, clearing her throat, wanting him to move.

He did move, but not in the direction she expected. He threw his long leg over her next, hugging her like a pillow. In the semi-darkness of the room, this seemed very intimate. Especially since she knew he was naked.

“Alastair,” she whispered, not sure what she was going to do or say once he awoke.

“Mmmph,” he said into her hair, followed by a puff of air from his mouth that sounded like a half-snore. It tickled her ear and made her giggle.

“Alastair, I want to get up, but yer leg and arm are over me.”

“Hmm?” he asked, nuzzling his mouth against her ear. Then she felt the evidence of his arousal protruding against her back. She had gotten herself into a very interesting position.

“Alastair,” she whispered again. This time his hand came up to brush a lock of her hair behind her ear.

“Ye are beautiful, Fia,” he said in a deep voice. It was followed by a caress of his hand against her cheek. “I am verra attracted to ye and want to kiss ye again.”

She turned her head and looked up at him. He was now staring right at her mouth. Why did she feel like a princess wrapped in his arms, safe from the world? Alastair MacPherson put on a gruff appearance for his men. But when he was like this, he seemed as gentle as a kitten. She liked this side of him.

“I – I would like to kiss ye, too,” she admitted. Fia hadn’t been able to stop thinking of their last intimate time together. She had left him wanting more and had also hurt his pride. It didn’t feel right to her, so she figured it felt even worse to him.

His lips caressed hers ever so gently, erasing all thoughts of worry from her mind. She raised her chin to meet him, welcoming his kiss.

“I didna think ye’d let me do that again.”

“I’m sorry – about the last time, Alastair. It’s just that I dinna ken ye well and ye scared me.”

“Dinna be afeard, Fia.” His words calmed her nervous disposition. “I would never hurt such a gentle, bonnie lassie such as ye.” His fingers trailed down her neck, lingering on her chest. Her anticipation grew.

“I am curious about making love to a man,” she whispered, watching the rise and fall of her own chest as she became anxious just thinking about it. “However, I ken it is wrong unless I am married.”

“Ye dinna need to worry, Fia.” His finger made lazy circles right over one nipple. “Now that I ken ye are a virgin, I will no’ take from ye what only yer husband should have.”

“What do ye mean?” She turned and pushed up on one elbow to look directly at him. “Dinna ye want to make love to me?”

“I think my body speaks for itself.” He waggled his brows. His eyes darted over to his erection. Her eyes followed, and she gasped. The sunlight streamed in through the crack of the shutters, falling right on his engorged form. He looked ready, willing, and very able.

“I dinna want to tempt ye and then leave ye hangin’,” she said, not sure what to say or think. His manly beauty was arousing and alluring. If she didn’t move away from him soon, they would end up doing something that she might later regret. “I suppose it is time we get up.” She started to sit up, but he pulled her back down.

“No’ so fast, lassie. There is no reason we canna share intimate time without actually couplin’.”

“Do ye think so?” she asked, wondering how that would work. Her attention moved to his manhood again that seemed to have grown even more.

“Fia, I have never met a woman like ye before. Everythin’ about ye intrigues me. Ever since the day I met ye in the woods three years ago, I have no’ been able to stop thinkin’ about ye.”

“I have been thinkin’ about ye as well.” She held her hand against his chest, feeling the rapid beating of his heart. Her heart, she was sure, was beating even faster. “Alastair, I feel in some ways as if I’ve always kent ye. I did no’ feel comfortable livin’ in England and never wanted to be the ward of Lord Beaufort. I like bein’ around the Scots.”

“Like me? A Scot who has kidnapped ye?” He pushed away and sat up, holding his head in his hands.

“Are ye really goin’ to trade me to the Grants in exchange for the release of yer faither?”

“Aye, if they’ll agree to it. Fia, I have no choice. It is the only thing that will get my faither returned.”

“Perhaps we can think of somethin’ else instead,” she suggested, not wanting to be a part of this deal.