“Do ye think so?” She looked up and batted her eyes, running her finger over the spindle of the bed.

“I – yes, I think so.” He cleared his throat, realizing he had to get out of this or he’d be in a position in the morning to kill his good friend – something he would never do. “I suppose I could hold off on the execution until I ken more facts.”

“Will ye release him and then keep a close eye on him? After all, that way if he is the thief, he might lead ye to the wherever he hid the crown.”

“Yes,” he said with a nod, thinking this would work well. “I will release him and follow him. That’s what I’ll do.”

“Wise decision.” She stretched and yawned before leaning over to pat the bed. “This new pallet seems much better. I think I’ll test it out.” She started to unlace her bodice, then stopped and cocked her head. “Please turn around while I undress.”

“Undress?” Had he heard her correctly? Was she going to remove her clothes and sleep in his bed? He quickly turned around.

“Ye dinna expect me to sleep in my daily clothes do ye? After all, just because ye sleep in yer plaid doesna mean that I want to act that way.”

“I dinna sleep in my plaid.” He turned around to find her under the covers, smiling like she was happy about something.

“Really.” She eyed him up and down. “It doesna look that way to me.”

“I just didna want to frighten ye by undressin’ since we will be sharin’ the same bed.”

“Is there somethin’ about yer body that is frightenin’, my laird?” She giggled as she said it.

“Nay, there is no’ and I’ll prove it to ye.” He dropped his plaid and removed his tunic, satisfied by the way her mouth hung open, and her eyes skimmed down his naked form.

Fia played the game,and it had worked like a charm. Alastair was going to free Niven tomorrow. But mayhap she’d taken things too far when she not only undressed and climbed into bed, but talked him into removing his plaid as well. She’d been told the men back in her clan wore braies beneath their plaids, but that wasn’t so with Alastair. He not only took her challenge but dropped his clothes and now stood before her as naked as the day he was born.

“Frightenin’, isna it?” he asked with a sly smile. The more she looked at his naked manhood, the more he grew before her very eyes.

“Guidnight,” she said, turning over and squeezing her eyes closed. If she didn’t fake sleep, she was going to end up making love with Alastair. And until she had the chance to tell him the truth about the crown, she didn’t think that was a good idea at all.