Imanie rolled her eyes and let out a deep sigh. “Did you learn nothing at all during our training sessions these past three years?”

“Imanie, ye ken I did. I learned how to read people and how to notice things that others dinna.”

“Aye, you have the ability, but yet when you are around Alastair, it seems all sense flies out of your head.”

She looked to the ground and blushed. “I suppose ye are right in sayin’ that. Alastair intrigues me, yet he angers me at the same time.”

“Then do something about it, Fia.”

Fia’s eyes snapped upward. “Me? What can I do? I am naught but a prisoner.”

“And so is Niven.”

“Niven doesna deserve to be imprisoned.” She shook her head. “I dinna want him to die for a crime he didna commit.”

“Then take control of the situation. That’s what I am trying to say.”

“What can I do?”

“What can’t you do? You were smart enough and brave enough to send the crown to Richard to try to stop a war. So, don’t tell me you are going to sit back and do nothing as injustice is carried out right inside the castle walls.”

“I canna tell Alastair I was the one who took the crown.” Guilt ate her up from the inside. “No’ yet. Once I find out what happens with the battle, then I’ll tell him.”

“Will you?”

“Imanie, ye ken as well as I do that this is the only chance to save the lives of so many Scots as well as English. My own faither’s life is at stake, as well as the lives of my uncles. I will no’ stand by and do nothin’ to change things. I had to do somethin’ – I had to try.”

“There you go. That is exactly what I mean.”

“Do ye mean I should try to sway Alastair’s decision?”

“No one can change a man’s decision but himself. Or so he thinks.” Imanie smiled. “Isn’t that the root of the training for those in the queen’s secret group?”

“That’s right,” said Fia, feeling awful that she let the situation come to this. “When Queen Philippa didna want the burghers of Calais to die, she talked the king into sparin’ their lives.”

“Every situation is different, Fia. Alastair is a proud man who is looking to restore the clan’s faith in him as well as rescue his father. He will not be swayed easily. It will take time.”

“We dinna have time,” she told Imanie. “Niven is supposed to die at sunup. I have to do somethin’ now – tonight.”

“Then do it,” said Imanie, fading into the cloud and disappearing.

Fia’s eyes popped open, and she sat up straight to find she was still in the stable. She needed to get to the dungeon to save Niven. If there wasn’t time to change Alastair’s mind, then she had to help the poor lad escape. But there was a guard at the dungeon door that would never let her enter. Nay. She needed help to do this, and there was only one person she could think of who would go against Alastair.

Jumping up and brushing the hay from her gown, she took off at a run to start her plan in motion.