Chapter 14

“That’s a guid boy,” said Fia, taking the chicken from the dog, giving the hound a piece of dried meat in its place. She handed the chicken to a serving boy. The bird flapped its wings, trying to get away. “Ye need to be a guid dog or Alastair is goin’ to get angry.” The dog jumped up and tried to put its paws on her shoulders, but she turned to the side and stepped out of the way. “Off,” she said, not rewarding the dog for bad behavior. “Sit,” she told it several times. Finally, the dog sat at her feet. “Down,” she told it, noticing the dog needed love and attention. It whined, but lay down, putting its head between its paws. “Now ye’ll be rewarded,” she said, getting down on the ground and petting the dog, kissing it atop its head. Cerberus wagged its tail happily, sending rushes from the floor flying in all directions. She laughed, thinking the dog reminded her of Alastair, responding so excitedly to a little attention.

“Get up,” she heard from behind her. “The floor is no place for a noblewoman.”

Fia looked up, but stayed on the floor, continuing to pet the dog. Alastair stood there holding something behind his back. “Alastair. Did ye see what Cerberus did? He no’ only gave me the chicken but sat and even laid down.”

“If only ye were as obedient. Now, I said, get off the floor.” His hand came under her arm, and he pulled her to her feet.

“He only wants attention. That is why he is so naughty. I think with a little trainin’, he can turn out to be a verra obedient dog.”

“Fia, forget about the dog.”

“His fur is matted, and he is pretty dirty and could use a bath.”

“Then I’ll throw him in the moat.”

“The moat? Nay! That water is so dirty.”

“Leave the dog and come to the dais with me. I have an important announcement to make.” He dragged her to the dais and from behind his back held out and dropped the travel bag atop the table. An instant knot twisted in her stomach. So, he had found out that the crown was gone after all. She was not looking forward to this.

“Quiet, everyone,” said Alastair, raising his hand in the air. “I have an important announcement to make. Please, gather around.”

The great hall was quite packed this morning, reminding Fia of a typical castle. She wasn’t sure where all these people had been last night, but perhaps there were cottages spread out over the laird’s demesne where they stayed when Alastair was not in residence. From the corner of her eye she caught sight of Niven lurking in the shadows at the back of the hall.

“What is it, my laird?” asked Rhodric as everyone gathered around the long, raised table.

“Have ye heard word of the ambush on the English yet?” asked Brohain excitedly.

“Are we goin’ to fight as well?” asked another clan member.

“Earc should be back by tomorrow. We’ll ken more about the ambush then,” said Alastair. “For now, I want to say that someone has stolen from me and I will no’ take it lightly.”

“What’s been stolen?” asked Fearchar.

Alastair held up the travel bag for all to see. Fia noticed it looked as if the dog had been chewing on it. “Fia’s jeweled crown is missin’, and I will no’ only imprison, but hang the person who stole it from me.”

“The crown is gone?” growled Brohain. “I told ye we should have sold it.”

“Did ye take it?” asked Alastair. “Or was it Rhodric? After all, we all ken ye two were the ones who wanted it the most.”

“If we were goin’ to steal it, we would have done it long ago,” snapped Rhodric.

“That doesna instill a lot of confidence in me,” Alastair told them. Then he looked over to Fia. “What do ye have to say about yer crown bein’ missin’? After all, ye dinna seem verra surprised or upset.”

“I – I think it’s awful,” said Fia, trying her best to look upset. “I want my crown back.”

“I agree,” said Alastair. “I want it back, too. Where do ye think it is?”

Fia looked out at the crowd of people all staring at her. Mayhap, she should tell Alastair the truth, but this wasn’t the place or time. Perhaps, if she could hold him off a little longer, Richard’s troops might retreat, and the Scots’ lives be spared. Mayhap, he’d be happy instead of angry. Nay, she couldn’t tell him now with everyone in front of her. She would wait until later. “I – I dinna ken where the crown is,” she said, not lying completely. The crown could be with Richard, then again, mayhap the courier was attacked in the woods, and the crown stolen by bandits. She had no idea.

“The way I see it, there were only three people who had contact with this bag,” Alastair announced. “I ken I didna take it. And since Lady Fia doesna ken where it is, then that tells me that Niven was the one to steal the crown.”

Shouts went up from the crowd.

“There he is!” Alastair pointed to the back of the great hall. “Men, get him and throw him in the dungeon. He will be hanged tomorrow at sunup.”

“Nay, leave me alone. I dinna take it,” cried Niven as Brohain and Rhodric hauled him away.