“Here ye go,” said Fia, reaching over and taking the boot from the dog and handing it to him.

Alastair lookedup in amazement to see Fia petting the dog with one hand and handing him his boot with the other. The last time the troublesome hound stole his boot, he spent half a day chasing it before he finally found it shredded and floating in the well.

“How did ye do that?” he asked, unable to keep his jaw from dropping.

“Do what?” She shrugged her shoulders, acting as if she didn’t know what he meant. “All the dog needs is a little love and attention.”

“We’ll see about that.”

“Look,” she said, pointing across the room. “He’s over in the corner lyin’ down and bein’ guid.”

Alastair stared in disbelief to see the dog lying down quietly and with its paws atop his travel bag. Whose dog was this? Certainly not his! He had never seen anything like this from Cerberus in his life. Fia seemed to bring out an obedient side of the hound without even trying.

“Shall I take the dog back to the kennel or down to the great hall for the night?” asked Niven.

“Nay, leave it here, please,” begged Fia, looking at Alastair so forlorn that he couldn’t say no. He hadn’t had much sleep in the past few nights, staying awake to watch over her. He was counting on a good’s night rest tonight, but with the dog in the room, that was going to be nearly impossible.

“My laird?” asked Niven, holding on to a rope to put around the dog’s neck.

The dog sighed as if on cue, to make matters worse. Alastair looked over at Fia again. He swore her bottom lip became fuller in such a seductive pout that all he wanted to do was suck on it. “The dog stays,” he said, falling back on the ripped pallet, so tired he didn’t even care that there was straw sticking out and poking him in the back.

“Aye, my laird. I will go then.” Niven left and closed the door.

“Thank ye,” said Fia, running over to him and throwing her arms around him in a hug. “This makes me feel like I’m home with my two dogs that I havena seen in years.”

With her breasts pressed up against his chest and her head lying on his shoulder, he couldn’t stop from putting his arms around her and nuzzling his nose to the top of her head. Damn, she smelled good, like wildflowers mixed with a gentle summer breeze. This wasn’t going to work. He pushed her away and turned onto his side. “Dinna touch me unless ye plan to carry it through because I willna be tempted and then be turned away again.” He closed his eyes, longing for sleep. But now that she’d hugged him, he had a feeling it was going to be a sleepless night once again.