“Nay,” she said, pushing against his shoulders, causing him to sit up in bed. He looked down at her with confusion in his eyes.

“Nay? What do ye mean?”

“I dinna want this,” she said.

He looked down to her taut nipple and chuckled. “Aye, ye do. Yer body doesna lie.”

“Nay, I dinna!”

He shrugged his shoulders and held his hands, palms up, in the air. “Then why the hell did ye kiss me?” He slid off of her and sat on the edge of the pallet, cradling his head in his hands.

She couldn’t tell him the truth and wasn’t sure what to say. Her actions, she realized, had deceived him in more ways than one. Now, she was sorry she hadn’t figured out another way to distract him instead.

“I – I’m sorry,” she apologized, knowing her words were not going to make the situation any better. The damage had already been done. “I didna mean to lead ye on.”

“Nay.” He rubbed the back of his neck. “It’s fine.” Standing up, he straightened his plaid and made his way to the door.

“Are ye leavin’?” she asked, not wanting him to go.

“I left my bottle of whisky downstairs. I think I need a dram right now.” He opened the door, stopping to glance back over his shoulder. “I’ll have Niven sit outside yer door tonight and I will be back first thing in the mornin’.”

Fia watched him go, feeling her heart break. Her body still vibrated from their foreplay, and her cheeks were on fire. What had started as a means to protect her secret, turned into an act of betrayal in a way. She could tell by the disappointment in his eyes that she had hurt his manly pride. And now that she’d turned him down and pushed him away, she wasn’t sure if he would ever try to kiss her again.

She rolled over on the pallet, fixing her clothes, telling herself that it didn’t matter. He was only her captor and as he said – her enemy. She did what she had to in order to protect her secret. That was the most important thing of all. If her plan worked, she would have the chance of saving hundreds, mayhap thousands of lives and protecting those she knew and loved.

But if her plans fell through, she would have nothing to show for her actions. And then, she will have made the biggest mistake of her life. Because when Alastair found out the truth, he would never want her again.