When Fia turned to go back into the building, she thought she saw someone lurking in the shadows, so she called out.

“Who’s there?” When there was no answer, she started wondering if she’d imagined it. Then from the door to the tavern came a voice.

“Yer two minutes are up. I’m comin’ out there to get ye.” Alastair walked out the door, quickly scanning the area as usual. “Where is Lorraine? I thought she was out here with ye.”

“She was . . . but she had to leave.”

“Hrmph,” he said with a puff of air from his mouth. “It seems I canna count on anyone lately. Come on; we’re goin’ up to our room.” With his hand on her elbow, he guided her back inside. “And give me that already.” He snatched the travel bag from her hands so quickly that she didn’t have time to hold on tightly.

“Nay.” She grabbed for it, but he moved it to his side. “Dinna worry, I am no’ goin’ to pilfer yer precious crown while ye sleep. Although, mayhap I should. Then ye wouldna have to worry about it so much.”

They headed up to the room, climbing the tall, creaky staircase. Following the long corridor, they made their way down to the end. Once inside the room, Alastair closed the door. It was dark and cold inside. Fia heard him put down the bag and go to the hearth to light a fire. The room lit up in a soft, orange glow. In the dim firelight, she took a look at her surroundings.

There was one pallet held up by ropes and positioned atop a wooden frame. Two chairs with a small table made from a barrel were in the center of the floor. The room had a small window with a shutter that hung by one hinge. The shutter swayed in the breeze making a squeaky sound like a mouse.

“It’s cold in here,” she remarked, wrapping her arms around her.

“The fire should help, but what did ye expect? This is a room above a tavern, not a bedchamber in a castle like ye’re used to.”

He walked over and closed the shutter. Since it was broken, they were still exposed to the cool night air.

“Not much we can do about this,” he said, playing with the hinge. “Mayhap I have somethin’ in my bag to fix this.” He headed over to the table where he’d deposited the bag. Her heart picked up in pace.

“Nay, that’s fine. I’m no’ that cold anymore,” she said, trying to stop him.

“What?” He squinted one eye. “Make up yer mind, Fia. And stop actin’ so odd.” He still reached for the bag. Her heart jumped into her throat. If he found the crown missing now, he would send his men out to look for it. And if he figured out that Lorraine had it, he would be asking a lot of questions that could get them both in trouble. She had to distract him quickly. Therefore, she did the only thing she could think of that would stop a man in his tracks. Moving in between him and the bag, she stood on tiptoe and pressed her lips up against his in a passionate kiss.

“Mmm,” he said with a satisfied moan. Her distraction worked beautifully. His hands lowered to her waist as he forgot all about the bag. Pulling her closer against his chest, he kissed her deeper, letting his tongue enter her mouth.

It triggered off a reaction in her, causing a tingling sensation between her thighs. Fia couldn’t stop thinking that Alastair had entered her body! She was a virgin, and this was the first time a man had kissed her in this way. It was invasive, yet at the same time erotic. She liked it.

His open palms grazed over her hips and slowly slid down her thighs, rounding her bottom as he kissed her again. His hands cupped her rear, and he gently squeezed, sending a shiver of delight through her. Then, as she was warming to him and welcoming his touch, he did something that scared her. He pulled her up against him, surprising her when she felt his hardened length against her stomach. She gasped and quickly backed away.

“What’s the matter, lass?”

“I – I’m no’ sure. But I dinna think ye should be doin’ this to me.”

“Ye were the one to start it. Dinna start somethin’ unless ye are willin’ to finish it.” In one sweeping motion, he lifted her off the floor and carried her in his strong arms over to the pallet. His lips caressed hers as he walked and he didn’t break the connection of their kiss at all. Gently laying her down, he positioned himself atop her. His palm cupped her breast right through her clothes, causing her to close her eyes and arch her back, wanting even more. A warning flashed through her mind that she should stop him, but her heart urged her to let him continue his exploration.

“Alastair, what are ye doin’ to me?” She opened her eyes slightly, barely able to breathe she was so excited by his touch.

“Relax, Fia. I assure ye I willna hurt ye. Ye might even enjoy it.”

His hand slipped down under the edge of her bodice, his fingers hot against her bare skin. And when he fondled her breast, his thumb grazed over her nipple. She jerked, feeling herself going taut at his touch.

“I have the idea ye need a man’s touch. Ye are so tight ye are about ready to snap.”

“I – I have a lot on my mind.”

“Then close yer eyes and try no’ to think of anythin’ else but what is happenin’ right here, right now.”

She did close her eyes, wetting her parched lips with the tip of her tongue. A passionate fire burned out of control deep within her. To her surprise, his lips closed over her nipple. Then, his tongue swirled around in slow, sensuous circles. Her eyes popped wide open. Was this really happening? And was she letting him do these intimate things to her when she barely even knew him? She was about to protest when he started suckling at her like a babe, gently pulling and releasing her taut nipple, making her squirm. He ignited a fire deep down to her core, causing Fia to crave more intimate actions found between lovers. His lips suddenly released her with a slight popping noise that about drove her from her mind.

“Mmm, ye taste even better than ye look,” he said, his voice sounding low and sexy.

“Alastair,” she managed to say through ragged breaths. “I think – I think we should stop now.”

“Nonsense. This is only the beginnin’. The best is yet to come.” His hands slid up and under her gown to cup her womanhood next. Her eyes closed and she released the breath she’d been holding, as his actions caused her to feel moist between her thighs. He excited her in every way, making her want to experience the act of coupling. However, she didn’t want her first time lying with a man to happen like this. It wasn’t the way a lady acted! She had to stop it now before it went any further.