Chapter 11
“Niven, watch over the horses tonight and dinna bother me unless there is a problem.” Alastair pushed the empty bowl from the pottage to the middle of the table. He stretched and yawned and stood up.
“Problem, my lord? Like what?” asked Niven.
“If Brohain and Rhodric do anythin’ suspicious, tell me. I still canna trust those two.”
“Aye, my laird. Should I alert ye for anythin’ else?”
“Nay. Dinna be knockin’ at the door unless the English are burnin’ the place down.” He reached over the table for the travel bag, but Fia snatched it up before he could grab it.
“I’ve got the bag,” she said, standing up, clutching the thing to her chest.
“Why are ye actin’ so odd?” he asked, thinking she seemed a little nervous.
“Odd? I’m no’ actin’ odd.” She flashed a smile and yawned. “I am tired as well.”
“This way,” he said, guiding her to the stairs.
“I think I need to relieve myself outside first.”
“Ye’re no’ goin’ alone with all these men watchin’ ye like bulls in heat. I’m comin’ with ye.”
“Nay.” She put her hand on his chest. “I see Lorraine. I will have her keep watch. I’ll be right back.”
He noticed Brohain and Rhodric staring and talking behind their hands. Matter of fact, everyone in the place was looking at Fia. He didn’t like it. The idea of letting her out of his sight bothered him, but it was probably better that another woman went with her. Lorraine was a tough lassie and had even hit him over the head with a pitcher once when she thought he was being fresh with her. She wouldn’t let anything happen to Fia.
“All right, but if ye’re gone longer than two minutes, I am comin’ after ye. And dinna even think to try to escape because, if so, I will be right on yer tail.”
“Well, I wouldna want that to happen, would I?”
“Wait! Give me the travel bag,” he called out, but she kept going and didn’t even turn around.
“Lorraine,”said Fia, clutching the bag, looking over her shoulder to make sure Alastair wasn’t watching. “Quickly, step outside with me.”
Lorraine grabbed her cloak and a bag off the hook and walked out back with Fia.
“I’ll set up the exchange and meet my contact, giving her the crown and the message for Richard,” Lorraine explained, heading over to her horse.
“Her? Is it another lassie taught by Imanie?”
“It is better if you don’t know too much.” Lorraine tied the bag containing the crown to the side of her horse and then mounted. “This will have to go through several people before actually getting to King Richard, but I think we can do it.”
“How will ye be able to make it through his army and to him directly?” asked Fia.
“Didn’t Imanie teach you that we do nothing directly? I have connections; don’t worry. I know someone with the means to get this crown directly into Richard’s hands.”
“How wonderful! If this works, it will be the most important thing I have ever done in my life.”
Lorraine turned her horse. “Fia, there is no doubt in my mind now that this message will get to Richard. Whether he heeds your warning or not is yet to be determined. What I’m not so certain about is how you are going to get away from Alastair. Mayhap when I return, I can help you.”
“Nay, Lorraine, but thank ye. I am no longer sure I want to escape.”
“But you are his prisoner. What are you saying?”
“There is somethin’ about him that is different from the rest of the men I’ve met. I dinna ken for sure yet, but somethin’ draws me to him. I have to find out why.”
“Good luck,” said Lorraine. “I wish you the best.” She kicked her heels into the horse, and it took off at a run.