“She’s dead.”

Lorraine’s hand stopped. She spoke without looking up. “Then it truly is the end of the Followers of the Secret Heart.”

“Nay, I dinna think so. It will live on as long as there are members.”

“I will always be here if you should need me,” Lorraine promised.

“Well, I do need yer help. Do ye have a way to get a message to King Richard?”

The woman’s eyes snapped upward and her brows squeezed together as she studied Fia’s face. “What are you saying?”

After making sure Niven was still occupied, Fia leaned forward and whispered. “I have heard that the Scots are plannin’ to ambush the English. They have an alliance with the French and are goin’ to surprise Richard. The Highlanders along with Lowlanders have joined together to fight. They have burned their own land to take food from their attackers, and have been lyin’ low, waitin’ for Richard to cross over into Fife.”

“Richard’s men are already in Edinburgh,” Lorraine told her with trepidation in her voice. “I have heard just this morning they started burning Holy Rood. John of Gaunt is power-hungry and loves a battle. I am sure they will head to Fife next.”

“I want to stop them from goin’ there,” Fia explained.

The woman leaned in closer. Her eyes narrowed, and her words were stern. “Our job is to bring about changes by making men think they thought of the idea. This is out of our control. There is no way one woman can make a difference if a battle takes place or not. You are crazy if you think you can influence the outcome.”

“I only need to get a message to my cousin, King Richard. He is no’ the warrior his grandfaither was. If he kens his army is about to be slaughtered, there’s a chance he might turn around and head back to England.”

“Mayhap the boy doesn’t have as much bloodlust in his veins as his father or grandfather, but don’t forget John of Gaunt is his uncle and still advises him. He will want to raid the whole country if he can. I know him personally. He is as ruthless as he is unpopular even amongst his own people.”

“But Richard is the king and gives the commands,” Fia protested. “I am sure if we can get the message to him, he will reconsider. Do ye have a way to do this?”

The woman’s eyes lowered to the table. She sighed and nodded slightly. “I do have the means, but I don’t think it will work. How do we know he will believe it and not think it isn’t just a trick?”

“Richard trusts me. He will ken if the message comes from me then it is true.”

“There is no way to prove to him that the warning has come from you. It will not work, so forget it. It is too dangerous of a plan.”

When Lorraine stood up and looked as if she were going to walk away, Fia reached out and locked her fingers around the woman’s wrist.

“Wait! I ken how we can get him to believe the message came from me.”


Fia reached over and opened the travel bag, letting the woman see the crown within. “This is my proof.”

Lorraine peered into the bag. “Is that the late Queen Philippa’s crown?”

“Aye, it is. And Richard kens it well. He has wanted it ever since it was given to me as a child. If ye get the message to him along with this crown, he will ken it came from me. Then he will heed my warnin’.”

Lorraine pulled back her hand and shook her head. “Nay. There is no way to sneak something like that out of here without Alastair knowing it is gone. You’re his prisoner, aren’t you?”

“I’m to be a trade for his imprisoned faither. Clan Grant has him locked in their dungeon. They have been feudin’ for years.”

“Then you’d better not anger Alastair. I have seen the temper he holds at bay, and it is not pretty.”

“I have to do this,” said Fia. “I owe it to Philippa. I canna let so many of the Scots or the English die needlessly. Ye are English and married to a Scot. Surely, ye can understand how I feel?”

The woman hesitated before she answered. “I do understand, Fia. You are right. I will do it.” Her eyes darted back and forth. “Sneak the crown into my bucket with the dirty dishes. Fast. No one is looking.”

Fia’s hands shook as she quickly removed the crown and placed it into the bucket, covering it with scraps of food and empty drinking vessels. “We’ll need to replace it with somethin’ or Alastair is goin’ to notice the bulge in the pack is gone.”

“Use this.” Lorraine handed her a round of half-eaten bread along with an empty tankard.

Fia shoved them into the travel bag and quickly closed them inside.