“Either way, we are no’ goin’ anywhere near yer home. Now stay close because I dinna want to have to chase ye in the dark. And dinna even think about escapin’, because it is no’ safe out there with the English army so close.”

“What are ye goin’ to do to me?” she asked, eyeing up the rest of the clan. She didn’t trust any of them. Not even Alastair since he’d abducted her.

“I’m no’ goin’ to do anythin’ to ye. Just the same, I’d stay close if I were ye. I canna guarantee the rest of my men are as honorable as me.”

“Honorable?” she snorted. “If ye were honorable, ye wouldna have taken me captive. Or ye would have at least set me free once ye realized the English were no longer followin’ us.”

“Fia, please. It is better if ye keep quiet. I need to think.”

Fia stayed close to Alastair as nightfall covered the land. She wasn’t exactly sure where they were and couldn’t risk sneaking off, hoping to find her home. As Alastair said, there was a war going on. Plus, it sounded as if he didn’t even trust his own men, so why should she?

The Scots eyed her up and down. Several of them made some crude remarks about what they’d like to do with her, and she tried to ignore it. Later, as they sat around the fire consuming the last of the hare and pheasant, she decided she needed to push her fear aside, just like Imanie would have told her to do.

Fia’s heart ached for Imanie. Every time she closed her eyes, all she could see was Imanie’s dead body crumpled up on the ground. Her thoughts drifted back to her lessons over the years. The old woman helped her sharpen her skill of observation to find out anything she wanted to know about anyone. It was easy now that she knew how.

“Try it again, Fia,” Imanie told her, sitting back in her chair, looking up to the sky. “I will say something, and you tell me if it is a lie or not.”

“All right, I’m ready.”

“I like . . . beets,” Imanie said, touching her nose as she spoke.

“Nay,” Fia said with a smile. “Ye touched yer nose when ye said it, so it is a lie.”

“Very good. And what does it mean when someone stands with their arms crossed over their chest like this?” She folded her arms in front of her.

“It means they are disagreeable or defensive.”

“That’s right.” Imanie, got out of the chair. “And what about this stance?” She stood up straight with her shoulders back.

“That means ye are confident,” Fia answered.

“And this?” Imanie opened her hands at her sides with her palms facing forward.

“Besides showin’ ye dinna have a weapon, it depicts honesty and sincerity.”

Imanie smiled. “You are a fast learner, Fia. Plus, you notice things that others don’t even see. Someday you will be able to use this skill to benefit you. But remember not to get distracted. If you do, you might miss something of importance that could cost you your life.”