“The way I hear it, congratulations are in order. A little bird told me you’re planning on taking a trip down the aisle,” the man said, smiling at Lissa. “Is this lovely girl your bride-to-be?”

“Senator Kurk, Mrs. Kurk, I would like for you to meet my fiancée, Melissa Jarrod,” Shane introduced them.

“Melissa?” Beatrice Kurk exclaimed, disbelievingly. “I didn’t recognize you, dear. You’re all grown up. I think the last time we saw you, you were getting ready to leave for college.”

As Lissa and the senator’s wife exchanged pleasantries and caught up, Representative Delacorte and his wife arrived. Dinner was served shortly afterward and to Shane’s immense relief, the two politicians seemed to have put their opposing political views aside for the evening.

While the women asked Lissa about new services at the spa and plans for their upcoming wedding, Shane found himself enjoying the men’s stories of fishing for trout in the various rivers and streams in the Rocky Mountains. He was even surprised to learn the men were pretty good friends when they weren’t at loggerheads over political issues.

As they waited for dessert to be served, the two men and their wives politely excused themselves. Shane knew they were going to work the room and try to secure votes for the upcoming elections before the event’s closing speeches began.

Relieved to once again be alone with her, Shane turned to Lissa. But her attention was trained on her brother Trevor seated at the head table with her other siblings and their respective dinner companions.

“I can’t believe what he’s doing,” she said, shaking her head. Seated beside a shapely redhead, the brunette that had been clinging to Trevor earlier was nowhere in sight. “I can only imagine what Elmer and Clara are thinking right now.”

Watching his future brother-in-law whisper something to the redhead, then while her head was turned, wink at a blonde seated a few tables to the left of the head table, Shane had to admit the man was asking for a boatload of trouble. He saw nothing wrong with a single man playing the field. Hell, he’d had his own share of women before he met Lissa. But Shane had at least had the good sense to limit himself to being with one woman a night.

If Trevor wasn’t careful, he was going to set himself up to be right in the middle of a class-A catfight. And once the women figured out he’d been playing all of them, they would stop blaming each other and turn on him with claws bared.

“Shane, could I speak with you in private for a moment?” Senator Kurk asked, standing at Shane’s shoulder. Engrossed in the show at the head table, he hadn’t seen the man approach.

“Of course,” Shane answered, somewhat puzzled by the senator’s serious demeanor. Rising from the table, he kissed Lissa’s cheek. “I’ll only be a few minutes.”

He hated leaving her alone, but relieved to see Avery Lancaster heading toward their table, Shane turned his full attention to the man walking beside him. He had never seen Patrick Kurk look as serious or as determined as he did at that moment.

When Avery sat down in the chair next to her, Melissa couldn’t help noticing the scene playing out just beyond her friend’s shoulder. Her brothers Guy and Gavin had walked up behind Trevor at the head table. One of them spoke to him, then all three men left the room.

“What’s going on?” she asked, turning to her friend.

“Guy and Gavin are going to strongly suggest that Trevor use a little more discretion with the female guests here tonight,” Avery answered quietly.

“I’m glad,” Melissa said, meaning it. “He’s not doing the resort’s reputation any favors.”

“You mean ‘come to Jarrod Ridge and get your heart broken by one of its handsome owners’ isn’t going to be the resort’s new slogan?” Avery asked sardonically.

Melissa loved Avery’s quick wit. “I somehow doubt that would help business,” she said, laughing.

“Where’s Shane?” Avery asked, looking around.

“Senator Kurk wanted to speak to him in private about something.” Unconcerned, Melissa took a sip of her water. “He’s probably hitting Shane up for a campaign donation or wants him to volunteer to hold some kind of fundraiser.”

Avery nodded. “It’s not enough that politicians want our vote, they also want our money.”

“Are Guy and Gavin having their talk with Trevor?” Erica asked as she joined them.

Melissa smiled at her sister. “I’d say it’s hitting the fan, even as we speak.”

Erica winced. “I’d hate to be in poor Trevor’s shoes right now.”