Page 10 of Sharing Their Girl

I grinned. “I think she’s been wanting to but has been too afraid to ask.”

He sighed, shaking his head. “That woman is stubborn as all get out, but I love her. Just wish she’d get it through her thick skull that we’ll never abandon her.”

I smiled a little as I thought of ourverysated woman currently spread out in bed. She’d been softly snoring when I woke up. She’d had a test Friday in one of her classes that had wiped her out, and then she spent Saturday doing homework and studying. Last night, we finally said enough was enough and took turns ravaging her until she passed out from exhaustion.

“Think we should bring it up to her?” Dad asked me.

I nodded. “Fuck yeah, we should. I want our girl here all the fucking time.” She already was, for the most part. I wanted her to have a permanent place here, and it would help her, too.

He laughed softly. “Never thought I’d see the day you were hung up over a woman, Nate.”

I grinned at him. “Could say the same about you, old man.” With that, I clapped a hand to his shoulder and went to the kitchen to make myself a cup of coffee.

* * *

She didn’t dragher fine ass out of bed until almost one o’clock that afternoon, and when she did, I couldn’t help the smile that pulled at my lips.

She looked thoroughly fucked and rested. Ilovedseeing her like this.

Her hair was a fucking mess, and there were two lines on her cheek from where she’d slept in one position for a long time. She’d pulled on one of my dad’s shirts, and she was rubbing her eyes.

Fucking. Adorable.

“Hey, sweet girl,” Dad greeted her, leaning down to press a kiss to her lips. She curved her body into his, unable to help herself. I loved how she craved both of us and wasn’t afraid to show it. “Want some coffee?”

With a yawn, she nodded. “And food,” she mumbled.

I set to work on making her some toast while Dad made her a cup of coffee. We set them down in front of her at the same time. Surprising me, she grabbed my arm and leaned up to softly kiss me. “Thank you.”

I leaned down and stole another kiss before smiling at her. “No need to thank me, baby girl. Eat up.”

I took a seat across from her, and Dad sat next to her. Once she was finished eating and was sipping at her coffee, Dad brought up what we’d discussed earlier.

“Nate and I were discussing something this morning,” he began. I watched as she tensed up. Sensing it, Dad settled his hand over her thigh, gently squeezing it. Her anxiety always spiked at the unknown. “Nothing bad, sweet girl. I think you’ll actually like this.”

“Okay,” she said softly, her wary eyes watching him.

I leaned forward, lacing my fingers together on the countertop. “Dad and I want you to move in here with us.” Her eyes widened in surprise. I could tell that was thelastthing she’d been thinking of—if she’d even been anticipating it at all. “Dad and I already discussed cleaning out my room and turning it into an office for you.”

She frowned. “Why not the spare bedroom?” she asked.

Dad grinned at her. “Maybe one day, we’ll get a baby in that room.” Her eyes widened with surprise.

My cock hardened as I pictured her round and pregnant with one of our babies. Groaning softly, I adjusted myself in my jeans. Soraya’s cheeks were flaming red, but there was a pleasant glow in her eyes. “You mean that? You really want me that long?” she asked, looking between the two of us.

“Baby girl,” I said, rounding the counter, “we want you forever.” I grinned at her. “And I think as soon as you get done with college, we should get started on baby-making right away.” Because now, I couldn’t get the fucking image of her barefoot and pregnant out of my fucking head. I fuckingcravedit.

She turned to face me, and like the kinky, needy girl she was, she parted her thighs, showing me that she wasn’t wearing panties. I growled softly, my blood pumping hot through my veins. “I graduate in May,” she said as she moved to sit on the counter. “Why not go ahead and get a head start? I’ll stop my birth control today.”

She sure as fuck didn’t have to tell me twice. Dad yanked her shirt over her head as I pulled my shaft out of my jeans, coming up between her parted, thick thighs. Her back arched as I sank inside of her. She was so fuckingwet—always so goddamn wet.

“You sure you’re ready to be barefoot and pregnant for us?” I rasped as I slid in and out of her.

She reached over and grabbed my dad’s cock in her hand as she smiled coyly at me. “I want you tobreedme.”

Dad and I groaned at the same time. Nothing was stopping us now. I smirked at him over her lush body. “Wonder who can get her knocked up first?”

Dad grinned at me, a challenge shining in his eyes. “You’re on.”