A voice keeps whispering those words to me, enticing me to desire what I have with Chad.
The inappropriate sound of a loud orgasmic moan tears into my thoughts and I’m pulled back to reality just in time to see the live image of myself on Mr. Gorton’s widescreen TV, naked and lying on my bed, touching my pussy.
My eyes nearly explode in my head when I realize what I’m looking at.
My video!
Chad’svideo of me.
Oh my God. No, no, no. What’s happening?
What the hell is happening?
Behind and around me, the class erupts into a cacophony of laughter, hoots and cheering as I make myself come on the video.
The TV takes up a good portion of the wall so everyone can see it.
“Turn it off!” Someone calls out.
The person sounds like Chad. At this point, I don’t care who’s speaking. I’m so embarrassed I can’t breathe.
Mr. Gorton fumbles with the control, but it doesn’t seem to be working.
Of course, this is my world, so that would happen, wouldn’t it?
I come on the screen and then a caption in white letters runs over my breasts.
It says:
I sold my body to Chad Volchkov for 30 days for $100K. Call me on 7675186 if you want to book my pussy.
Jesus Christ.
I stare long and hard at the words, refusing to believe what I’m seeing and failing, because this is real.
This was the cost of freedom?
This was the cost to fix my mistakes?
Chad did this to me.
Obviously, this was him.
My God, he did this.
Why was I so foolish to allow myself to fall for him?
Bile rises in my throat and I just manage to get up and run before I embarrass myself further by throwing up everywhere.
Howls of laughter follow me down the hall and I’m only free of the torture when I get outside, out of the school building. There, two large hands seize me mid-flight, lifting me off the ground.
“Billie, wait, please.” It’s him—Chad. But I don’t know why he’s here.
“Let go of me.” I thrash against him, kicking him hard in his shins with the heel of my pumps, but he continues to hold me. “Let me go, Chad. Let me go, you bastard. You did this to me. You did.”
It’s only when I say those words that he releases me.
When my feet touch the ground, I don’t continue my escape to my car. Instead, I whirl around and slap him across his face.