Page 29 of Bad Blood

It’s momentary bliss, free from my troubles, and while I’m out here I don’t want to think. I did enough of that today and if I do it anymore, my brain will explode.

The wind picks up and lifts the ends of my hair about my face. I pull my jacket closer, feeling the warmth of the furry collar around my neck.

A message comes through on my phone and I pull it out to see a text from Isabelle.

Clicking into it, I read what it says:

Hope you’re feeling better.I heard the hospital is opening its doors for volunteers in their research unit. Thought you’d be interested.

I smile at that,my first real smile of the day.

That is definitely something I’d be interested in.

I text back, telling her just that, and continue down to the river, where I sit on the grass by the bank.

“A bit late to be out here, isn’t it?” Says a voice from the darkness. A voice I recognize.

Last night, I didn’t have to hear his voice to feel the menace, yet I felt it.

I feel it working its way across my throat now, like a noose around my neck.

I get up and turn to see Chad stepping out of the shadows. He’s wearing a hooded sweatshirt with the hood up. When he moves closer, he pushes it back and smiles wide at me, just like last night.

“You bastard.”

On Friday night, I thought the only thing I’d have to worry about when I next saw him was that kiss. I never thought there would be so much more, and the fucking kiss would be nothing on the scale of how serious my problems are now.

Looking at him is so hard, and he’s not saying anything more. He’s just staring back at me and I don’t know what he’s thinking or why he’s here.

I can’t believe he saw me do things I would never have wanted anyone to see. What I did wasn’t even okay behind a screen and I know…

I fucked up.

I fucked up and brought this problem on myself. The problem with taking risks is the risk.

So, the answer is simple. I shouldn’t have done it. I shouldn’t have gone to the agency. I should never have sunk so low.

He slinks closer in that predatory manner and I feel like I should run.

I step backward, my feet colliding with a twig, crushing it.

My throat closes and all I can think of is his warning that he’d make me wish I’d never been born.

“If I were you, I’d be nice to me.Nicer.” His voice has that touch of menace that’s just enough to put the fear of God in me.

“Nice?” I snap. “Why are you here? To gloat?”

“What did you need the money for?”

The question surprises me. Earlier, I checked my account and saw he paid the money he said he would. That doesn’t mean I have to tell him what I wanted it for.

“It’s none of your business. None of it is your business.”

“Oh, I think it is,Malyshka.” He moves right up to my ear, and his hot breath whispers over my skin with a promise of the dark fantasies I sell to my clients—client. Him.

Of the four nights I actually worked, I had him twice.

He comes nearer. Any closer and we’ll be kissing again.