Page 27 of Bad Blood

The beep of a message from Ryan 11 brings me back from the rush of heat and desire that rushed over me.

Straightening, I look at the screen.

Ryan 11:That was fucking perfect. Come back over here, and let’s meet properly.

I try to look happy.I have to if he’s going to pay me five grand.

Ryan 11:What were you thinking of?

Me:Something wild.

Ryan 11:I like that. Ready to meet?

Me:Sure. It will be nice to meet you.

Always and ever courteous.

The screen background fades from black, and when I find myself sitting face to face with ChadVolchkov, I feel like I’m going to die.

At first, I thought I must be imagining things and that somehow, something weird happened with the Internet.

But I know it’s not any of that. The sadistic smile on his face tells me everything I need to know.

This is real.

This is really happening, and fuck, fuck, fuck, I’m naked.

Chad is Ryan 11.

Ryan 11:Now I want to fuck you even more.



The white swirly patterns on the ceiling plaster in my room blur together into a haze as I lie on my bed, getting lost in the nothingness of my doom.

I’ve been numb all day.

It’s nearly eight, and I’m still in a semi-catatonic state.

The sordid, horrific memory of last night is stuck in my mind like a contagious disease.

Of course, I couldn’t go to school today. No way was I going to face the beast who has managed to turn my already disjointed world inside out.

I called in with a cold, which I’m hoping will cover me for two days.

I also had to call Mom and speak to her, asking if she could call the school to verify my excuse.

Thankfully, because she’s eager to get back in my good books, she was quick to agree.

No matter what I’ve done today, I just can’t seem to shake last night from my mind.

I keep seeing Chad’s face with that wicked grin plastered on it looming before me.

I can’t believe what he did to me, and before I could question him, the asshole cut the connection a heartbeat after he messaged his last desire to fuck me.

Now I’m left wondering what he’s going to do to me.