Page 74 of Bad Blood

“I know. Do you want to talk about it? If you’d rather talk to your mother, I can get her.”

“No, you’re just as good.”

He smiles and his eyes sparkle. “It means a lot to hear you say that.”

“I mean it and I’m sorry I’ve been so difficult and rude.”

“It’s okay.” He smirks. “I was your age once and I guess if the extent of it was difficult and rude, I’d be a saint.”

I find myself smiling.

“You’re so well put together. I can’t imagine you being any other way.”

“That’s what I’m like now.”

I pull in a breath and decide to ask him the most prominent question on my mind.

“My father, what can he do to my mother when he gets out?”

“Nothing. He can’t do anything to either of you because you’re under my protection now.” He nods. “If he even thinks to attempt anything at all, the consequences will be dire, so he won’t.”

A chill rushes over my skin, but at the same time, I feel the safety I’ve yearned for all this time.

“Thank you.”

“How are you feeling about him?”

I shake my head. “There are no words, Cal. I can’t just say I feel bad because it’s not enough.”

“I understand. Time is the only thing that will heal you, but at least now you know the truth. Your mother and I never wanted to hurt you. We knew you loved your father with everything inside you and we didn’t want to taint that. I especially didn’t. We thought we could keep it from you, but it was best you know.”

“It was best. I’m shattered by the news, but I needed to know who my father truly is and who you are, too.”

“I’m always going to be here for you, Billie. Always. I love your mother and I promise you I’ll take care of you both.”

“I know you will. We’re both lucky to have you.”

“I’m the lucky one. With that said, everything should be okay at school. I contained the problem, so you don’t have to worry if you want to go back. The decision to go to L.A. is still yours.”

I’ve purposely shoved L.A. out of my mind. With the truth out, my mind opened to a number of possibilities of where I’d like to go to college. I’ll talk more about how I’m feeling about it another time. I am, however, curious to hear how Cal contained the situation at school.

“What did you do?” I ask.

“I spoke to the right people. It was all orchestrated by a girl called Jenna. Apparently, she stole Chad Volchkov’s phone.”

What a bitch.So Chad was telling the truth?

The darkness lifts from my shoulders and my heart opens.

He didn’t do it, but… what about everything else that’s wrong with us?

“She is being dealt with,” he adds.

“People can’t unsee what they saw,” I mutter.

“No, they can’t, but they also know how to choose their battles and that is one fight no one wants with me. Okay?”

“Yes, and thanks.”