Page 53 of Bad Blood

He breaks from my lips and lifts the shirt over his head with a proud smile that only a guy who knows he looks like a Greek god would have.

My lips part as I take in the serious muscle facing me, with rows of tattoos lining his abs.

On his chest is the image of Poseidon holding up a golden trident. That’s his Titan and it suits him.

The artwork against his muscle is so striking that I reach out and touch it, running my fingers along the smooth but taut skin over hard muscle, evidence of how much he must work out.

“Like what you see, baby girl?” The deep baritone of his voice whispers over me like a gentle caress and he captures my gaze in such a way that I can neither deny the truth nor look away. “Answer me.”


“Then come back to me.” He crooks his finger, beckoning me to come to his lips, so I do.

We fall into a kiss that speaks of forever and it feels like we should always be doing this.

When he sheds the rest of his clothes, gets on top of me, and plunges deep into my body, it feels like always, too.

At that moment fear returns. I like feeling this way too much.

My eyes flutteropen and my gaze lands on the watercolor painting of a lake near Chad’s bookcase.

It’s bright outside, but I have no idea what time it is.

Wait a minute…

Chad’s room?

Bright outside?

My awareness snaps into focus and I realize with horror that I spent the night at his place.

When I move to sit up and find his arm secured around me and my back pressed against his chest, I’m not sure what surprises me more.

My craziness for sleeping over, or him.

The slight shuffle makes him stir and he lifts his head to look at me but doesn’t move his arm.

“Go back to bed, it can’t be time to get up yet.” His voice is groggy with sleep.

While I stare back at him open-mouthed, he turns me to face him and kisses me as if we’ve always done this.

“Chad, I have to go. It’s Saturday. I wasn’t supposed to stay over. My parents are gonna go crazy.”

I can just imagine how Mom and Cal must have freaked out when I didn’t come home. Mom could have called the police or something because, while I’ve told her about Isabelle, she doesn’t know her number.

They might have even sent out Cal’s fleet of guards to look for me.

Chad smiles against my lips. “You said parents.”

“Yes, so what? That’s not important.”

“It is. Because you always talk about your mom but not Cal.”

I pull away to look at him and bring the sheet up to cover my breasts.

“I guess I do.”

“Do you think he’d be worried about you?”