Page 25 of Bad Blood

That’s fine. I need a break from her, too. After our last fight, I haven’t said a word to her, and I don’t know when I’ll even think of speaking to her again.

Right now, I’m biding time, and my parents’ absence for the next few nights means I get to do what I have to do without the added anxiety.

I’ve made it through the last two nights with my sanity intact.

On both nights, I did topless videos.

I was nervous as hell, but because I couldn’t get Chad’s kiss out of my head, I was thinking about that more than what I was actually doing.

He kissed me, and I kissed him back.

For those brief moments, I gave in to the call of the dark side, and I gave myself to him as if I’d lost my mind.

What he said to me only sent me over the edge—I want to fuck you.

The way he kissed me rivaled any kiss I’d ever experienced, asleep or awake.

I’ve been thinking about it all weekend, and I can’t shake him or that stupid kiss from my mind.

Clearly I’ve gone crazy and lost my mind.

I need to find it now, however, because I have to focus. This is not a job you can bring baggage to.

That first night—after the kiss—was my second night of work.

So far, I’ve made five thousand dollars. It’s going into a savings account no one knows about.

Up until I turned eighteen, Mom would keep track of my money. Now she’s not allowed to, which makes it easier.

What’s hard is the worry that someone might recognize me because I look so much like my mother. Still, I think people would be more inclined to cast aside suspicions that I’m any relation to her.

There’s no way they’d think it, especially after all we’ve been through with Dad. Thank goodness the agency is all about the utmost discretion.

They, of course, know who I am, but the NDA they signed should protect me.

I’m sure they wouldn’t risk the millions they make by slipping up.

My screen name is Angel Doll 27, and that’s what my clients will know me as.

Like me, the clients use an alias for their first name plus a number.

While my screen is visible to them for the video, theirs is blocked out.

All we have to communicate with each other is a chat box that pops up on the side when they want me to do something different.

The clients also have control of when they want to reveal themselves. So far, I haven’t encountered anyone like that yet.

I tousle my hair to the side and sign into the site. Instantly a message pops up, letting me know Ryan 11 is online and waiting for me to start chatting. I met him last night within minutes of signing in and we spoke for two hours. He gave me nearly two grand when we were finished.

If I have more clients like him, I’ll reach my goal quicker, and I can stop this sooner.

My estimate now is three weeks, but that depends on what I’m willing to do in the videos and how much the clients pay. The starting price is a grand, so they can’t go lower than that.

I click onto Ryan 11’s profile, which is a little eagle, letting him know I’m ready to start talking.

Ryan11:Hey, beautiful. I want something a little different than last night. Are you up for something adventurous?

Adventurous?This is as adventurous as I’ve ever gotten, but I’m game if whatever he has in mind gets me closer to my goal.