Page 24 of Bad Blood

I then slip onto the property through the back garden and locate the security panel by the pool house. I do the same thing I did to the cameras at school and freeze them for half an hour. It’s a handy technique I learned from one of my father’s men who’d served time.

There are guards here. Not as many as my father keeps at our place, but enough.

Her house is nearly as big as mine with the same sort of design, so I find my way around easily.

Most of the house is dark, but when a light pops on in one of the bedrooms, I guess it to be hers.

There’s a sequoia tree across from the window, so I climb it. When I reach the top, I see I’m right. It’s her room and she’s inside, taking her clothes off.

Perfect timing.

Perfect, perfect timing.

I position myself on a thick, sturdy branch so I can get a better look.

Billie takes her hair down and slips out of her dress, revealing the body I’d admired all night.

When she takes off her bra, unleashing those tits, I nearly blow my load as I allow myself the indulgence of looking at those perfect pink puckered nipples, still clearly aroused from my kiss.

I expect her to head to the shower or change for bed or something similar, but she doesn’t. She tousles her hair and sits in front of her computer.

My view is only partially masked, so I see enough.

Moments later, when she starts rubbing her nipples and doing pouty poses, my suspicions go through the roof.

What the fuck is she doing?

She looks like she’s posing.

Is she?

No way.

I narrow my eyes, and a thought enters my mind, so I take out my phone and use my tracker—one of my hacking devices—to access her IP address.

It works.

A few more taps link my phone with her computer, allowing me to share the screen.

When I see she’s on The Decadent Agency’s website, understanding forms in my mind. Along with extremely dark ideas only a fucking psycho like me could conjure.

Once again I smile to myself, because I just found a way to not just deal with my very bad girl but also to own her in all the ways I want.

Poor thing. Poor, poor, little thing. I warned her what would happen if we saw each other again.

She should have listened.



I’m about to start work for the evening.

Mom and Cal are staying in Boston for the next two days while Mom films an episode of the new show she’s working on for Netflix.

It’s calledIn Touchand is about a group of pilgrims. It reminds me of the filmTheCrucible.

She’s only in a few episodes and accepted the part because of our move here, turning down a role in a bigger film in L.A.. I’m sure she accepted the part, too, to get out of the house and get a break from me.