Page 41 of Cul-de-sac

She thinks of running, of leaving Aiden to his mother and whatever crazy thoughts are going through his brain.Is he really thinking of shooting her?Then, in the next second, she decides that this is all part of her nightmare, that none of it is actually happening.

Except itishappening, and she knows it. This might be a nightmare, but it is no dream. The gun in Aiden’s hand is real. And as much as the thought of a world without Lisa is very appealing, the thought of her husband spending the rest of his life in prison is not.

“Aiden, honey,” she says, her voice as soothing as her panic will allow. “Give me the gun, sweetie. You’re safe here. You don’t need this.”

Several excruciating seconds pass until the grip of his hand on the gun loosens and she is able to pry the weapon from his fingers. He smiles at her as she slips it inside the side pocket of her robe and leads him from the room.

“What’s going on?” he asks as she is tucking him under the covers of their bed.

“You had a bad dream,” she tells him.

“Did I?”

“You were sleepwalking. You don’t remember?”

He shakes his head. “Not a thing.”

Heidi removes the gun from her pocket and returns it to the case in the bottom drawer of their dresser. She climbs into bed beside her husband and surrounds him with her arms. “Get some sleep,” she says.