Paige brushed his hand aside. “Of course, you don’t always need to know their names, do you? If I’m remembering correctly…”

“Maybe dial it down a notch,” Sam whispered to the back of Paige’s head.

Paige ignored him.Thisisdialed down,she thought.

“Okay, look,” Heather said, regaining her composure along with the upper hand, “I can see you’re upset.”

“Can you? Can you really see that?”

“But this is hardly the time or place. It’s my father’s birthday. This is a celebration…”

“A celebration,” Paige repeated.

“Breathe,” Sam said again.

“…and I was really hoping you’d be able to rise above whatever issues you may have with me…” Heather continued.

“The issue being that you fucked my boyfriend,” Paige interrupted. “I assume that’s the issue you’re referring to?”

“…and that you could put your feelings for me aside,” Heather persisted stubbornly. “For my father’s sake, if not your own.”

Paige felt her hands forming fists at her sides.

“Foryoursake,” Sam said to Heather, “I think I’d walk away while I still had all my teeth.”

Paige almost laughed. Leave it to a dentist to reference teeth.

Heather sighed and shook her head. “Poor you,” she told Sam. “You obviously have no clue what you’re getting yourself into.”

“I wouldn’t waste too much time worrying about me.”

“Suit yourself. Just don’t say I didn’t warn you.” Heather smiled over her shoulder at Paige as she walked away. “I’ll tell Noah you said hello.”