“You’re playing dumb again.”

God, how she hated that word. “Okay, so she told me,” Heather admitted. “And I’m curious. Last I checked, that wasn’t a crime. How do you know what my mother told me, anyway?”

“Paige told me that her mother confessed she’d let that information slip.”

“You’ve been speaking to Paige.”

“Pretty much every day.”

“And she knows I invited you to lunch.”

“I called her the second I hung up with you.”

“And the two of you thought it would be fun to have me drive all the way out here in the rain…”

“Well, we didn’t know it would be raining. That was kind of the icing on the cake.”

“Okay. You can get out of the car now,” Heather said, angry tears taking the place of her curiosity.

“What were you doing on those dating sites, anyway?” Chloe asked, her hand on the door handle. “Things not going so well with Noah these days?” She didn’t wait for an answer, bolting from her seat, the heavy car door slamming behind her as she darted through the rain toward her front door.

“Things are great,” Heather called after her. “You think you’re so damn smart, don’t you?” she continued as Chloe disappeared inside her house. “You just wait. We’ll see how smart you are.” She lowered her head to the steering wheel and cried.

She might not know much, but she knew all about getting even.